What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

Honestly, I wasn’t able to get it at the time. I’ve actually been taking a break from unresponsive play and have been throwing mainly wood fixies for the past few weeks. They just seem to be more in line with my yoyoing needs right now, haha


Here’s a couple of combos I’ve put together that I’ve been working on. I’m not smooth with them yet…and I messed up the ending of both of these…but they sure have been a heck of a lot of fun to work on!

Here’s the first…this one keeps changing as I add in new elements. Right now I’m working on trying to do the hops from the Black Hops trick out of the triple or nothing at the end of the rewind instead of rolling out of the triple or nothing like I do in this video.
My Kywjibo is super sloppy, but I was too lazy to keep trying for a better haha. Smoothness will come in time I’m hoping.

Here’s my second…again, I’m not smooth. But it’s another fun one.
Notice the skip in the video at the end where I do a bind. haha I cut out the 3 or 4 missed ghost binds I made! :stuck_out_tongue: :sweat_smile:


Awesome seeing your progress twitch! Keep it going!


Beginner here, came back to yoyoing last week after a break since 2007 (was still a beginner back then too though haha)

I’m currently working on the cold fusion trying to get it smooth like the tutorials and bouncing the yoyo between strings in the middle instead of threading it but can’t seem to not thread it yet.

While I’m working on that I made a combo around the cold fusion to keep it more interesting for me to practice.

I call it… “The Confusion”


Damn dude! :smiley:
Nice job on the slack trapeze!!

I love the trick name “Confusion!”


Thank you Twitch.

I can’t take credit on the name though, and need to give it to my wife.

I went to bug her while she was watching TV saying “check out this cool new trick I learnt that I am practising, it’s called the cold fusion” and after I did it she says “haha okay I can see why it is called the confusion”.

I was like… it’s not confusing, it’s cold fusion, I am just bad at it yet. lol.

And decided to build a combo around cold fusion so that I can name it confusion.


Nice Kywjibo. That is next on my to learn list and I’ll start watching videos tomorrow. I never tried before either so I’m looking forward to spending a few days+ on it :slight_smile:


So I’m trying to learn Mondial, but I do not understand exactly what I’m supposed to be doing when I pop the yoyo up. The problem with tutorial videos is that the yoyo always flies out of frame, and even at slo-mo speed, I can’t tell what I’m supposed to be doing to land back in the split bottom mount.

Does anyone have any hints…or maybe diagrams??? :confounded:


Honestly all you really have to do is switch your hands while the yo-yo is still in the air. Make sure your hands aren’t too close together and that they stay mostly aligned. I purposely tried messing it up to see where it could go wrong and you’re more likely to mess it up with hands too close than with them really far apart.

Id say it’s more important to focus on the position of the hands than where the yo-yo is in the air.


The end position isn’t a split bottom mount and I don’t understand why.


I just did the trick like 30 more times trying to mess up to figure out what it might be. The only things I can think of that aren’t a complete miss are putting your non throwhand over your throwhand instead of the opposite, not popping the yo-yo high enough, or not going completely into the Mach 5 mount.

Moving my hands off plane just results in a miss.


This video is in Japanese, but the guy keeps his yo in frame (though his arms get in the way!) and might be useful.

Mondial is great to get down as it leads to Pop’N’Fresh which is flashy and fun as heck to do (at least IMO).

Here’s the vid:


Thanks for that video.

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. It feels like I’m doing all the right things, but I just don’t end up in the split bottom mount again. I’ll figure it out eventually.


So I just learned this as I already know pop n fresh and the thing I found is they are slightly different. Is the string coming from your TH middle finger wrapped around your TH pointer finger after you do the hop? If so, this is what you want for pop n fresh. For Mondial I am finding it easier to setup just from the brain twister mount because that string won’t get wrapped around your TH pointer finger
When my wife gets home I’ll make her help me film a quick clip to show you


So I am trying to learn Kwyjibo, and then I realised I didn’t know how to pop a yoyo properly I was trying to throw it up.
So I realised I need to go back and learn eli hops first.
I can’t seem to quite understand how to pop a yoyo up, i either end up trying to throw the yoyo up instead of using string tension, or if I do the yoyo flings around off the trapeze, as if I was trying to go in to the brother mount or under mount to bind.

How do I hop the yoyo up? any tips? :slight_smile:


Pulling both hands away from each other, with equal force, will pop it straight up (assuming the yoyo is centered on the string). The trick is pulling apart with just the right amount of force, and doing it with your hands positioned in front of you such that when it comes back down, it is easy to set the uncrossed string up under the falling yoyo just right so that it lands correctly.

I’ve been at it for many months, and popping & catching is still really inconsistent for me.


I feel like I am going to hit a plateau for a while until I get these right, so my plan now is to do my previous tricks for fun, and practice boing-e-boing, eli hops and later Kwyjibo for a while until I start hitting and landing those pops as I feel like those 3 tricks are somewhat related.
Might mix in rewind to practice as well as I still can’t do that double or nothing brother mount bit


Still working on yuuki slack. Hardest thing I’ve learned and the longest it’s taken to practice. OH WELL. WHAT CAN YA DO.


After a few evenings/nights of this my right (throw) arm seems to feel really weak and seems to take a lot of effort to throw properly. I guess this is normal? as I am using muscles I am not used to, not used to using muscles period. might be a better description


Heres what I’ve been working on. Didnt want to end it in that triangle so quickly but I haven’t posted in forever and its one of my favorite triangles.
