What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

The amount of tricks and elements I’ve forgotten over the years… :flushed:

I’ve had to relearn tricks and combos before. I think there was even one time I was watching one of my old videos and trying to relearn one of the combos from my own video :joy:


Yeah, now that you mention it…it really is a very satisfying little trick.
Deceptive though! It looks SO easy haha.
Did you struggle to get it down consistent? Or is it one of those things that just came to ya?

You can get them pretty cheap, it would definitely be worth the cost.

@G2_Jake made a great video with some tips and tricks to shoot better quality videos. Even if you don’t want to share them publically, you’ll have great videos for personal use.


Yeah that’s a great idea (recording yourself). There for awhile I was recording myself once a week so I could keep track of my progress.
If you’re shy (like me!) you don’t have to upload them online or show anyone. You can totally use them for your own benefit.


Too late to not share :confused:



Damn, you’re good! :smiley:
Nice to have a face with the name now too!


I’m done with learning advanced corocoro :joy:

I still don’t understand how this trick is even supposed to work

Wanted to learn it this week but nah that’s over nope


Working on 3.0 hook. I can hit 2.5 but the motion of 3.0 is weird


Anyone have suggestions on the best tricks to approach learning horizontal? And maybe some good horizontal bind videos?

I understand the basic concept that the yo-yo needs to keep moving to maintain the plane it’s on and can do a short mini skin the gerbil. But anything more than that is tough particularly binding if I do anything incorporating my throwhand and not just the offhand.

I also get that the best approach is to practice the combo normally first. I’m just looking for something that if I get it down covers most of the basic horizontal techniques.


Well I’m currently focusing on learning useful tricks and flashy combos so in the future I have “inspiration”. I’ve been trying to make my own tricks but I’m not that experienced so I decided I should learn a lot first. Currently I’m working on a consistent reverse Brent stole to ninja vanish rejection, consistent beefhook and the first part of a trick called “Pinchin’ Strings”, with a lot of slacks that I think are useful. I also come up with a kind of kamikaze mount to green triangle combo which I’ve been smoothing lately!


I like how you say…

And then you rattle off a bunch of tricks that in my eyes are really tough and impressive as hell! hehe :smiley: :+1:

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Thanks man haha! I said that cause I have been less than 3 months yoyoing, so I’m not that experience xD


I’ve been at it for 4 or 5 and you’re way ahead of me haha :smiley: Nice job!
I really don’t push myself very hard. Enjoying the hell out of it though!!

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Well, hobbies are for self enjoyment haha. I’ve been on holidays so I’ve been playing a lot lately. I’m sure you have sick tricks anyways❤️

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I’m working on trapeze.
I was trying this quite awhile ago and kinda gave up as I was getting frustrated with it.
I know its import as loads of tricks start from it, so I do want to nail it.
Previously I was using a YYF one, but was advised by another forum member it’s not the best to learn with due it it being a bit small. But I persevered for a while anyway.
I’m now using a metal magic yoyo and I am catching it more often on the string, however I’m not consistent. (Also pleased I’ve learned a simply bind return).
I’m pretty sure I’m not throwing it “straight” across my body, probably more diagonal.

Any tips on ensuring a straight throw ? (parallel to my body)


I’m on titanium chopsticks and serpentine.


Well, I don’t know how to explain it. I would recommend you not to pinch the string while doing it. It was an error I made when I was learning it, and we all tend to pinch it. I would recommend you to see tutorials and pay atention to the movements of both hands. Good luck!

I know to do horizontal skin the gerbil, and it took a good six months to get down. the tricks is to practice as much as you can, though I can not tell you what a good video is


Yeah it’s just intimidating to see the intense horizontals at competitions and barely be able to do basic stuff.

I think horizontal stuff is incredibly cool and seems like a lot of fun. You’re probably right though, it’ll get easier with practice.

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I’ll record a video for you later today