What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

Just keep a safty pin in your mouth while plracting that trick. Youll need it in a second. lol! Ive gotten alot better now and can hit it 4 outta 10 times give or take. The second toss I found the secret is to not try to follow the first toss’ path. While the first toss passes around the string left to right, the second toss is more diagonally upwards like direct from 7 oclock to 1 oclock path. Also right before the second toss, there is a pinching roll and deft transition from the string going over your throw hands’ index to make a swap to you middle finger THEN toss.

I bet that doesnt make sense, but i tried. LOL

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Got really frustrated when I tried to learn this early on.

Went back to it 9ish months later and managed to get pretty decent at it.

I got it! I got it!
I was flipping the wrong flipping string in the first toss.
Now that that is worked out, it’s a lot easier.

YES!!! im so happy for you! I love this trick. Glad you made the trek as well. What a trip eh? ;D
I have it down 9 outta 10 times now. Love the feeling of it.

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Magic drop and shockwave >:(

Having trouble with slack trapeze and iron whip. Can’t hit them at all. Any tricks or tips ? I know the string tension has to be loose and perfect but other than that ? So difficult for me.

Kamikaze 2

Twist Shock GT by Jerri Lucas

This thread needs to come back :slight_smile:

Working on suicides from trapeze and 1.5 mount.

Out of the standard repertoire of classic trick elements (e.g., hook, rejection, whip, slack, hops, boings, magic drop, and so on…) I always neglected suicides, so that’s what I’ve been working on lately. Determined to get these consistent and the most I’ve gotten is 3 suicides in a row, which was pretty satisfying but far from the consistency I want.

Before that, I worked a lot on finger spins and got those consistent.

How about you?

FYI - you can practice gt suicides with a red triangle.

I’m working on Enigma. It’s a beast.
Well, for me anyway.

Thanks, good tip on red triangle suicides !

And Enigma is a beast for sure. Such a great trick

Yeah, it’s cool.

There’s just one spot at the end that’s killing me!

Is it the last hop? For me it’s the most difficult part of Enigma - so hard catch the yoyo on the correct string to finish the trick.

That one is tricky, but it’s the one before that where you have to stick your thumb in the formation in a weird spot.

I FINALLY figured out what to do, now I just have to do it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m finally getting the final hop of Engima consistent. What is working is keeping the string coming from the TH tucked under all the fingers (ugh, how do I explain that in words?) and this spreads the strings out and sets up the hop to land on the right string consistently.

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I have several I’ve made up, that I just can’t seem to ever get all the way though consistently, or at all. By that I mean, I can do all the elements with varying degrees of consistency, but rarely make it all the way through the entire trick.

I’m sure there are many on this forum who wouldn’t even find them very difficult, but I just seem to go month after month with little improvement. It blows my mind how some people can post up trick after trick!

I just want to get these recorded and posted, and I’m trying to stay focused and positive… Maybe I need to force myself to concentrate on one at a time, until I can’t get each one documented.

edit: Apparently, all i needed to do was whine about it. Suddenly, I’m getting close on a few!

Woo Hoo… will probably take me a year to land it  :smiley:

I’m trying to get my Fixed Axle Friday trick down. Not sure I’ll make it in time…

There are two basic tricks that I have neglected…

Suicides and Brent Stoles

For suicides, I just don’t have a good method down insert nerd emoji and I’m unsure of where to keep my eye focused in order to complete the catch - do I follow the loop of string all the way as it rotates around the yoyo from the release to the catch or should I keep an eye focused more on the very end of the loop or…? The way I’m practicing them is to do a double-on 1.5 mount to suicide (those are fun) then a normal suicide from trapeze followed by suicide from iron whip - if I can get this consistent this will be my little suicide combo.

For brent stoles, I used to be able to do them better. Probably overthinking it now because I’m too focused on the mechanics of the trick because maybe it needs to be more intuitive - just a timing thing that will get sorted out with practice and trial and error. It’s the whole part where the loop flips around the string to form the triangle that I am not timing correctly (like uh… that’s the whole trick, right? aha)

Time to put in the work and get these consistent.