I find that it helps to push slightly down and out with my TH index as the yoyo is swinging over into the drop. This causes the strings to separate, and allows you to land on the one string. You still have to be accurate, and find the right amount to push out and down, but I’m hitting it much more consistently since discovering that.
Shock Wave is a great trick with which to practice Magic Drop. As it’s a repeater, you can do a lot of MD reps in a short period of time. If you land on both strings, you can easily pop the yoyo onto the back string, finish the rep, and continue.
Eli Hops - Keep string tension (not slacky) taught the eniterity of the trick. The landing is all in the throw hand. Make small adjustments either closer to you or farther from you. Looking at the gap of the yoyo can help gauge if there is a diagonal adjustment that would need to be made as well.
Suicide Catch- make 100% sure your string tension clean. Then do a small circle the same direction the loop is traveling during the toss. That tiny little circular motion can really help open it up. Other than that, its all about consistency.
Spirit Bomb-For the last triangle hop, try not to let the yoyo hit the “top” of its slack and get tight. If it goes that it makes the triangle alot smaller. By popping it up just enough to get up there, but not maxed. Keep it relaxed. Kendama knees will also give more time.
Finding time to work on tricks regularly again since having a kid. Working on Spirit Bomb, finger spins, and double or nothing part of Black Hops. I actually also love breaking down stuff I know and trying it at different speeds, playing bouncier, and trying to get more precise. Sheer practice means I’m hitting magic drop without using an extra finger to open it up! Now just getting consistent at it…
I’ve been working on some of my favorite tricks but on a Walter and fixed axles. Spirit bomb, Enigma, Rancid Milk, Super Man, Wonder Woman, White Buddah, etc.