What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

And Whut and Hourglass :slight_smile:

That string’s pretty short.  If you try something longer maybe the trick’ll be more consistent for you.

Nice land!

what are you planning on doing next?

Double Laceration and GT right now, kind of in between “major tricks” as I haven’t picked a complex trick yet to work on.

Update (sort of)… I feel like I don’t know where to go, maybe it’s just my frame of thinking today, feeling like I’m in a rut and hitting a block. I’ve messed with Kamikaze and And Whut so much now that they’re feeling stale. I am continuing to work on those 2 tricks to make sure I can get them smooth but ready for something fresh to work on. I think the thing is that I want to learn something with some new elements but finding tutorials on the level of YYE is hard to come by. Rancid Milk looks cool but that is a long trick and tutorials I’ve seen give you the whole thing at once…a lot of rancid milk to try to swallow. Maybe come next weekend at my yoyo club, something will give me that kick in the rear.

Perhaps my mind is just sort of everywhere today between trip planning/booking, and trying to work on a website/blog update that has been untouched for months.

A combo I call “Lil Wayne 100”


Revisiting Lotus Bloom, I pretty much now have an understanding what’s going on as there’s some familiar elements I have learned from other tricks (like that kamikaze mount toward the end of the trick).

Otherwise, just been playing with things I already know and mashing tricks together.

On pause for a minute. Had a dislocation in my throw hand last night that I set back in place. Luckily it was cleanly done(am I a doctor now?) so hopefully it will be a quick recovery. But still stuck on rancid milk…

Right now, I’m working on something that I believe doesn’t even have a name. It starts off basically from a 1.5 mount and you throw that over your NTH and then immediately double on the string from there and then take your TH and rotate it counter clockwise over your NTH and feed the string coming directly from your TH middle finger into the yoyo to basically undo the double on from earlier and then after that, under cut the string in which you then can go back to a kamikaze mount or go back to a 1.5 mount (except you have an extra wrap near your thumb kind of like after a magic drop).

Anyways, here’s a video in which I found that uses the “element” I’m talking about because I’m pretty sure it’s not some set and defined trick (Go to the 40 second mark of the video to get to the meat of the trick)…

I’ve really been trying to smooth that out and keep it straight as possible so it becomes second nature to myself.

Thanks! I did get some new Fat Kitty string with the proper length. The string that was in there was slightly short, making it a little harder to open up that triangle in the last hop.

I since then have pretty much mastered Spirit Bomb. As long as I stay smooth with it, I land it most tries.

Just want to get consistent :grinning:

Hmmmm I’m not sure yet. Just trying to be clean and consistent with tricks I know.

Looking to master a few more of the basics, so I can step it up. :stuck_out_tongue:

5 months into yoyoing and I am going to try to learn seasick. Wish me luck guys… Hopefully ill have it down before nations. Just do it as I walk around

Going to work on Eli Hops!

Good luck! Seasick is a tough one. In my opinion. :grinning:

God I suck at Eli hops…

As do I…and I’ve been off and on trying this since 2011. I just can’t keep things lined up. I can get a great hop but I just can’t get it to land back on the string since my accuracy is…bad.

Currently messing around with/working on Triangle to Tower to Ping Pong combo, as well as banana turnover, and trying to perfect some of my older basic moves as I kind of had a reality check yesterday at yoyo club when being tested on my Kwijibo.

I suck at Eli Hops. All the videos about it make it look so easy, but it’s not. I feel like I’m tossing it into the air and looking like a goof. Idk. ■■■■■■■■■■.com dude (Adam) makes it look cool and easy. I have to tell myself “this dudes a pro” lol. Most everything he does looks sweet.

Anyway, wish me luck!

Kwijibo on the other hand is one of my favorites. It’s a fun one that hops around.

Got a great hop, just can line it up. Rarely, ill get a set of 3-5, but mostly just 1 or none.

Anyways, hand is feeling a little better, swelling is down to a minimal and tried light throw today. Not to bad. A little pain but doable. Can’t wait to throw again. It’s only been a couple days and I feel antsy.

Now, it’s too hot (not the YYF yoyo, mind you) and everything feels like it’s sticking to me making tricks a bit difficult. The heat also affects my concentration and trick execution and has made me a bit sloppy tonight…so just keeping tricks to simple and flowy stuff. As much as I like summer, I dislike the heat and discomfort heat can bring.

Yung Canadian Primate who’s rolling through the 6 with his woes.

Shoutout to Drake & GregP

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