working on and whut… Just trying to put it all together
I’ve learn up to the Expert section 1. and know a few expert tricks from the yye list. I’ve only been throwing for four months though. AngryGumball knows my progress and how well I am at it.
You might be able to pull off Rancid Milk.
Rancid Milk is precisely one order of magnitude more difficult than Spirit Bomb, in my opinion.
Maybe… I think it’s just as technically difficult but just harder to follow when learning.
That one looks like a pain to learn. But I guess it couldn’t be any worse than lotus bloom
Working on And Whut. So here’s the thing: I keep seeing these tricks and tell myself “ooh, that looks cool…oh wait, let’s try that!” until I get myself so overwhelmed with tricks I don’t know where to go next other than slamming into a brick wall. So. And Whut. Decided to go back to Andre’s tutorials seeking a challenge yet seeking a well thought out tutorial that breaks it down in steps. And Whut is a very “modular” trick, meaning you can practice each segment alone. Currently I’m working on Part 1 and 2, and here’s where I sit with a few days of telling myself to stick with it.
It was all fun and games until I get a knot (which I will remove rather than waste good string).
Rancid milk has a lot of elements that have to happen at the same time that go into another element with a slightly different element that could make it really overwhelming. I’m actually still kind of working on it and can do each piece but no where near the smooth way it should be done.
McBride Roller Coaster
This one is a fun trick.
And Whut progress
Guy Wright inspired Tower Banger
A pro binding. Where you pop it straight up and it drops down, binding into your palms. Any advice welcomed! Please help.
Are you talking about the sky bind?
I recently got hooked on sky binds. Trick is to keep the yoyo aligned with the string and get it so that the string gets into the groove of the yoyo so it will smoothly land back in your palm.
Not sure what it’s called.
Sky bind is my go-to for sure.
Note that I do NOT do the same thing with my non-throwhand that Kyle does. I got pretty insane string burn doing it that way. Now, I reach around the front with my full hand and fingers curled. I’m sure I’ve done it in pretty much all of my videos… here’s one grabbed at random:
There’s another one where you start off doing a normal sidestyle bind, but then you huck it in the air and it binds and returns to your hand.
Working on my first personalized trick/combo (whatever you want to call it, lol) but would rather wait til I have this trick/combo down and smooth before I show it off to you all! It’s got some simple but fun elements, and it consists more of trapeze, matrix, and kwijibo