I’m able to do the triple it nothing. Hopping out of the triple give me a bit a trouble but ill work it out. Once im confortable with that, I’m going to move onto the next part of black hops. Any tips and help from you guys to make me learning the trick a little easier or things I should watch out for. I’m listening. Really appreciate it everyone.
I find that using a yoyo with a sharp wing shape works far easier than a wide H-shape, something that will easily “slice” it’s way through the multiple layers of string, managed to get a slightly better Triple or Nothing…but hopping out of it is not so good (yet).
Black Hops
still Magic drop…
Been working on a variety of things while only getting better with Spirit Bomb, including:
Snap Start (Side Style)
https://instagram.com/p/3nDlDmkBrc/ (Clip of me with one of my attempts)
Magic Drop, can do this about 50% of the time, trying to take this into a Shockwave (which I did 1 full rep earlier today)
Black Hops
Billy D'Anjou on Instagram: "Attempting #Blackhops here, long ways to go but could be a potentially fun trick! #yoyo #returntop #trickcircle #yoyopractice" (Fail attempt but you get the idea of where I sit with this trick)
Hitting up some of the advanced tricks I missed because I wanted to try something else:
-Cold Fusion
Also been working on a few tricks. Some more than others.
Learned Magic trick two nights ago and landed it within 10 attempts. So I’m at 98% accuracy at this point.
Still working on snap start. Can get the yoyo all the way up to my hand 2/5 of the time but it’s loose and have to throw and rebind. Haven’t been practicing this one too frequently so not so bad I suppose.
First attempt at spirit bomb. Wow… First hop was pathetic. And the second. And third. Gave up on this and sat for a few seconds when I couldn’t accept defeat. Went back at it. Around the 10th try, got the first hop onto a string. “Is this right?” Went for second hop. Back to step one… A couple more attempt and landed on a string on second hop. Um… “Did I just land it?” Pulled finger out and realized I was in a wrist mount. “I think I just landed it?” Got out of my wrist mount sloppily. Don’t know if I actually landed it or not. Tried again and same thing. This time dismounted wrist mount and now I’m certain I landed it. Can’t believe that just happened…
Lately, just been messing with combos doing the following: Trapeze, Brother, Double or Nothing, dismount and back to Double or nothing (Matrix), hop back to brother, back to trapeze (part from Black Hops), and what I call a “Kwiji-Hop” into a 1.5 mount to go into Branding. Sure many of these tricks are just from the advanced section but testing it out it is starting to flow nicely.
Other than that I’ve been working on a new one (for my arsenal of tricks that is): Cheese Whip. It’s a slack trick that essentially gets you into a wrist mount, looks pretty cool if done smoothly, may actually end the trick with either Magic Trick or Spirit Bomb.
…yea, I’ve been in a mood for modifying tricks or getting into a trick differently as of late
Still working on Black Hops, but getting there.
Cheese Whip continues, coming along nicely so far!
Ok so my wrist mount dismount is a bit rough in the video but you get the idea how this trick works
Monkey Triple Slack GT
I’m working on not forgetting my tricks in front of the camera…
Does that count since I’m trying to make my 2 year vid? First vid by the way…
Fellow YYE member ThinkH2O and I have been doing a “trick challenge” where one of us will pick a trick we don’t know, and we both have to record it once we nailed it, taking turns who picks the next trick. This is a fun challenge and a great way to stay motivated learning new tricks, especially when there is nobody close by to yo with. With this said, the selected trick was “Mini Eiffel Tower.” Of course I learned this within a 10 minute time frame so I can share that “I nailed it.” Previously was Cheese Whip, which I’m still perfecting and opted to integrate it with this trick as a variation.
well, I tried it as a kid cause everyone else was. Learned some basics up to rock the baby. Decided to try it out again. It was day 3 with an unresponsive I guess I should have said.
Working on Magic Trick and Laceration most seriously.
Also trying to identify exactly what goes wrong when I miss my Kwijibo. It’s hard to see since my own arms are in my way. Next step: have one of the kids stand on a chair and video me w/ a phone from above.
Been working on spirit bomb. Thought I possibly landed it a few nights go but I realized in my attempts that you can finish the trick by landing it on the string without going through the triangle. Wasn’t a definitive accomplishment so I’ve been trying to get my triangle bigger and form down. Finally landed it cleanly. God does it feel good.
Update. I Can land it about 50% of the time now. Getting much easier.
I started work on relearning the tricks I have forgotten.
that is always good. I do that too. From time to time.
white buddha
Ninja Vanish (landed a few), Paradox, and messing around with several combos.
New combo.