Break time session 2, I could be onto something, that final hop however is a killer. Here’s some stills for now, will upload “day 2” this evening when I get home.
Update: Home now, just did a quick edit of where I’m at now. This is actually pretty fun documenting progress with these tricks, and very helpful as I can get feedback from you guys and I can watch what I’m doing frame-by-frame and see where I could be doing wrong.
AG, I don’t think you’re landing correctly after the first pop, which will make the second pop not work.
If you look at my video at about the 0:18 mark, there’s a slow-down and pause of the first hop and landing. After landing, there should be this “v” shape going from the yoyo to the throwhand, and a single segment going “over” the yoyo. It looks from the video as though you have the yoyo sitting on a single segment, no “v” shape.
That “V” comes from landing at an “intersection” of string segments. If you land to the left of that intersection, on one of the single segments there, I think you end up in the shape you’ve arrived at.
I’m going to continue watching this, ended up youtube ripping the video and dropping it into my Adobe Premiere software so I can watch the slow-mo frame-by-frame! I think since I have 2 more days off (3-day weekend) I’m going to give this a whirl again…exhausted from today’s adventure in the City by the Bay and the 2015 BAC.
Alright, here we go! I’ll have video up later today, here’s some stills for now.
On that second hop, I think I’m supposed to land through that triangle that I somewhat formed with my throw hand… But I should focus on the first half first and make it consistent.
In your first picture, you’re landed correctly now! See that “v” coming out from the bottom left of the yoyo? As you are popping, consciously get your thumb INTO that “v”. After your hands uncross, if your thumb is in there, you can spread nice and wide for the landing. There’s a frozen diagram and slow-mo in my video.
Your forefinger also needs more than just that single string. It should have an intersection of strings at it.
Gettin’ there! First half looks good. Now, 2nd pop:
a) Your thumb needs to go into that triangle as/before you are uncrossing. If you put it in after, it’s too late to make the triangle big for a landing.
b) the forefinger is missing some strings as it goes back across. You are picking up only one string segment. You need to pick up the whole “intersection” of strings. Your forefinger is missing vital strings by being too far back (close to your body) to grab them. You can see them waving “bye bye” as your forefinger goes past them.
Does anyone know of any tutorials beside the g2 or ■■■■■■■■■■ for rancid milk? I’m literally at the end of my rope with this one. I’ve never “called it quits” with a trick before but I’m close with this one. I can’t even begin to explain my problem after the undercut because I have no clue what is supposed to be happening. All the tutorials use slightly different techniques and I am absolutely dumbfounded.
My trick with Gerbil was to make sure my hands were parallel with each other to guarantee that landing.
Today, while continuing to make sure I can nail that first half of SB consistently, I decided to think off the string and dust off my YYJ GoBig and work on the most basic trick of tricks: landing the throw!
Nothing special, just had some fun with the head strap and my numerous fails before I finally nailed the landing and got fancy
Checked it out, but I still can’t see what’s going on. I don’t mind not being able to do the trick, but I hate not understanding what is supposed to happen. I guess I’m not a visual learner. This one has me into the wall
I had to go frame-by-frame on that one. And break it down into minute parts. It’s really hard to grok.
Did you try the one on the site with the tutorials that have a blue background? The guy really ‘fancies’ it up beyond what you need to do, but the basics are there. I ended up hardly using it, though… stuck to the Haycock one on supah-slow-mo.
At this point I think I’ve seen most of them, and on every one, there is a part where my brain can’t figure it out. I swear it’s like that dial up modem sound in my head. It’s after the undercut, where you lift the yoyo over your arms and uncross them while under passing with your non throw hand. The string configuration on the throw hand is wrong for me. I’m getting extra twists somewhere. I’m going to do some 5a for a while and come back to it at some point.
You have to pick up the correct string segment as you pass by. You might be grabbing the wrong one? I think it’s the one that’s in the “middle”. I have to re-learn that trick to say for sure.
Still chugging along with Spirit Bomb, I’d say 75% of the time I can get through the first half (been strictly focusing on that), some days are excellent, other days (like today and yesterday) are…like I had never done it before.
Decided to start playing around with Green Triangle seeing what I can do in that triangle formation. So far, did Boingy Boing and Barrel Rolls. Also focusing on hopping out of it back into a trapeze.
New thrower here. Day 3 and I’ve got a lot accomplished. Currently working on magic drops. Tricky little move this is… Also working on ninja vanish. This one is more cooperative.
Was messing around with “branding” earlier as I’m not 100% on it yet…(that 1.5 mount suicide manuever). When doing that final maneuver I had actually accidentally caught the loop in such a way I was in a double-on trapeze. My thought then was “well, that was a cool mistake, let’s continue with this here…” Going to now see if I can replicate this “mistake” and see where I can expand this trick