What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

Multifarious Whip and Croatoan.

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I am working on this:

Having a rough time getting the underpass into the 2 strings ( at about 0:52  ish ) without the yoyo or the “loop” around the string sliding.


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The second to last hop on Red Clover , I never land. Any suggestions?

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No suggestions, but you could do what I did… grabbed the first half up to the Red Clover pop from the trick (which is used elsewhere), completed the trick a few times so I could say I did it, and then promptly abandoned it. :wink: I didn’t like doing the trick well enough to stick it out. Too many tricks in the world for me to spend much more time on it. I do enjoy seeing it executed, but other than some elements from the first half, it didn’t do much for me.

TL;DR: don’t worry about it unless you love that trick. It’s “OK” to move on if you want to.


Matrix. I can do it, just not smoothly. Or consistently.

Also working on smoothing up my zipper. Ah yeah…


I’ve landed it 3 times but with multiple misses in between. Just wanted tip on making it consistent. I may skip it. Now I’m working on a slack wrist bind I may have created.

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White Buddha.


I’ve been committed, starting this week, to learning something new every day. So far, I have been successful. Today I am working on Ninja Hurdles. It’s not too difficult so I should have it in a little while, depending on if this cute girl at my apartment complex keeps distracting me…


Now that I’ve mastered my over-under boingy-boing
On to contrusion
Oh goodie

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Boingy Boing and Bind from Trapeze.


Wait… Boingy boing and trapeze? Boingy going is so hard…

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Boingy is one of the first tricks I learned after discovering modern yoyo. Not saying it was easy, but it comes more quickly to some people than others.

Pretty sure I learned Boingy-boing before a proper sidestyle backspin bind.

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Crossed arm GT

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Wow, I find boingy boing very hard, I can only do like 3 boings =D haha

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I can get in and out of the mount very easily but I’m struggling to figure out the up/down motion and I tend to fall out of the string very often. My initial goal when starting was to learn Boingy Boing as it REALLY impressed me as a yuggle (not even two months ago.)

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REALLY impressed me as well, which is probably why I learned it early on. :smiley:

The up-down motion is funny… it doesn’t seem to make sense at first, but if you just abandon the need for it to make sense and just “do it”, you will get lucky with a few boings sometimes. And that “sometimes” is what’s needed for the “aha!” moment… after the “aha!” moment, it becomes easier to move BACK to the “making sense” mode so that you can learn the trick for real.

I also personally find that I needed to get right into the boings with full confidence and momentum out of the split-bottom mount. Some people tell me they’ve learned it fine by getting into position and THEN starting the boing. Give the “momentum” method a try… it’s all a part of going “I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’mma go for it!” and getting lucky enough times for it to start clicking.


Iwasawa Laceration

Not easy

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I apparently can’t even yoyo in the morning anymore. I’ve already broken my knuckles, bunch of knots, hit the floor, missing binds all over… ugh.

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I’ll definitely have to try these tips, thank you.

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Fooling around with suicides. Trying to get them consistent and just have fun with them. Anybody have tips to keep the loop open or to intercept the loop with my index finger, because when i try to suicide, i simple swing the yoyo over and intercept the string with my middle finger while my palm is facing down.

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