What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

Whenever I put tricks here I learn them (except ballistic) so here we go!

Tsukasa namba 1 (get consistent)
Polo rejection tower (get consistent)
Waya trick 3 (almost landing just need to figure out one part)
Editions wrist tech trick (get smooth)

Gonna just focus on these for a bit. It’s now written in forum stone and so it shall be done.


Came across “Pandora” and thought it looked really cool and fun to learn, welp wouldn’t ya know I’m stuck on the first part already. I can hook all day long, trying to add the other hand into the equation is hard for whatever reason lol. Anyone know this trick or I guess better question, how to two-hand hook? Any tips?

This is what the hook looks like incase you don’t wanna watch or find it in the vid. (Slow mo starts at around 50ish seconds if watching it helps better)

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Yeah this is a mount you can land in when you mess up 2.0 hooks so I’m very familiar. its basically 1.5 hook with an extra finger in it. If nth index drops out thats the mount you end after 1.5 hook. can you 1.5 hook?

No and that’s where it’s confusing too, cuz he’s saying it’s just a simple hidemasa hook with the other hand involved, but it definitely seems like it’s more of a 1.5 hook motion

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It is easier bc you can just put your hands together and do h-hook just try that and see if you can get to that mount like don’t think you need to be able to do 1.5 to get there

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Yeah I saw your point and idea but then I was like nah cuz I don’t wanna practice intentionally missing 1.5 hooks and have that be a bad habit forever lol. I think it’s just awkward being so used to a regular hook that it’s gonna take some time getting used to is all. Putting my th in there while it’s happening is what’s not clicking yet

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got comfortable with flopsicle, really looks cool as a trick ender.

started working on lotus bloom yesterday from the TaW thread. i am starting to understand it mechanically, piece by piece but not with any kind of flow yet. gonna take a while for me to get the technique to just chuck that first underpass before the boingey move with the required twist at my offhand index and middle… this will take me a month not a week so i haven’t picked alot of tricks from that thread, lol…

i still need to tighten up the last bit of kamikaze as well, i don’t like that little twirly fake 1.5 mount move at the end because its tricky and I’m impatient, so i usually skip it and just freestyle from there…

i started picking at white buddah again but i’m still way behind. i need to practice it more often.

learned the first part of yukii slack ( the jump to double or nothing). i like it as a slick way to get into double or nothing. as far as executing the rest of yukiii slack, its gonna take a long time for me to figure out the rest of it…

learned a double ripcord from houdini mount trick.


And Whut and Jump Rope. I mean the idea of jump rope is super simple, just trying to consistently land it is a pain


Yukki slack


Me too, me too, still working on yuuki. It was so frustrating at first. I put it on the back burner and just work on it a little everyday now. I also been working on and wut at the jump rope part. Here’s a really cool slack trick I learned the other day.


i am working on the reverse brent stol!!!


I am still in string trick infancy. I’m looking for a suggestion of a trick to add. I’ve gotten pretty solid with Trapeze and Brother, back to Trapeze then Double Trapeze and return. What is a simple trick I can add from anywhere in that sequence? I’ve not gotten Double or Nothing except by sheer luck and continue to work on that. I’ve also worked on finger grind as it fits in to there as well. I have motor control issues and am a long way from multi step tricks but would like something that could help to continue to develop the foundational skills to advance. Thanks to all.


you know trapeze brother so i would say brother slack would be a good next step… also once you get double or nothing down, learn the matrix ,and also work on triple or nothing. . also, you can rock the baby on the trapeze too. check out this little combo you can do with some of those tricks once you are comfortable:


Thank you. A few more replies like that and I’ll have enough to keep me busy for a year. :grin:


The brother slack looks very doable and fun to boot. :smiley:


You could add a double on to the brother also fully responsive correct?

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Mostly responsive, yes. But I practice unresponsive as well. Just lean more responsive.

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I’ve found that The Snack modded for responsive play does these sorts of tricks amazingly. It’s rare for it to snag but it still returns very reliably. Just lacks the spin time of full unresponsive. However I have an unresponsive Snack as well. :grin:


Okay responsive play is good while you get comfortable with DoN and moving around the mounts but you don’t have to if you feel good binding, just helps not develop some early bad habits that will be annoying to change later (this happened to me). I would maybe try to learn DoN and Houdini mount and the other named mounts next maybe.

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Actually pulled out the Top Deck for this. I’ve got the gist of it, just gotta work on getting that slack to stay open. Since I like the look of slack tricks this will be excellent training. Great suggestions, thanks a ton!!!:smiley:

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