What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

I recently learned a Hiroyuki Suzuki speed combo !!! It was quite a challenge but it wasn’t too bad :sweat_smile: right now I’m trying to hit it consistently and smoothen it out. I’m pretty happy that I managed to finish and learn an advanced tutorial :grin:


I recently learned the hook and brent stole. I am working on trying to make a combo starting with a brother slack into a ninja vanish into a brent stole followed by kwijibo and maybe finish off with a hook if I can manage the rest of it. I’m always working on my brain twister combo as well.


I’m currently working on some early 5a basics. It’s hard lol. I can’t figure out how to stop the string from sliding between my fingers during bee sting


getting better at snapping from houdini into kamikaze mount but changing yoyos takes a bit of adjustment to get it every time. working on the next elements in kamikaze from the mount, trying to land the hop up onto the bottom string after rolling onto the back string from kamikaze mount cleanly… and then the roll out to magic drop is tricky because you have to drop the outer string loop off your throw hand as part of the motion…

realizing houdini itself will set up your throw hand string for magic drop too… though its more flowy to roll from kamikaze mount imo…


I’m working on 5A Trapeze and Bro. I can land it but need to get my non-throw hand more with the program.


Experimenting with gyroscopic direction changes


That was Slick!


Here’s the start I’m working with. Just learned all 3 of these.



Thanks! I have been having fun with the trick. The set-up is using the Monster Mount (there are tutorials on JugglinGTV & YouTube). After recording this and trying to recreate the move, I realized it is a lot easier to control the gyroscopic direction if the string set-up is correct.


Hey thanks, love me some gyro-flops, so definitely going to check these tutorials out.


Currently trying to get down Eli Hops, which is giving me some trouble. Boingy-boing came pretty easy for me but this one seems much harder to control.


just executed a legit gyroscopic flop for the first time, saw a vid going from kamikaze mount, its sooo much easier than the original trapeze version which I have never been able to land very successfully. i’m psyched, its such a cool looking trick, and there are so many possiblities for combos in other mounts to learn.


Ever since getting back into throwing in 2020, I always kinda wanted to learn every single trick in Guy Wright’s “I Punched Boxthor In The Catch 22” video, which is my all time favorite and most inspirational yoyo video. It’s always been the “challenge” in the back of my mind. Lately I’ve been trying to focus more on tricks over collecting, which is hard because (1) there are so many banger yoyos coming out lately and (2) being an actual adult now with actual responsibilities means very little time to learn tricks. My skill level is obviously nowhere near Guy’s obviously, but my style is undoubtedly heavily influenced by his throwing and I’ve taken (stolen :sweat_smile:) several trick and flow elements from him. All that said, I haven’t started actually learning anything until last night - I figured if I don’t start now, I never will. It sounds crazy but I think it actually might take me AT LEAST a full year to learn everything in here and truly nail it like he’s nailing it.

Here’s why and what’s gonna make this difficult. (1) The video is in 480p but definitely looks like someone downloaded the original in 240p and re-uploaded as 480p. Basically… the potato quality is gonna make it really hard (and has already proved to make it difficult) to really see what’s going on, especially when the shots are taken far away. (2) Guy’s elements aren’t all that complex compared to a lot of modern stuff (there’s not a lot of tech stuff happening and it’s not fast either) but the EXECUTION is what’s gonna be most hard to get down. Guy has some of the best looking execution I’ve ever seen - he makes simple elements flow gorgeously and you can tell he cares a lot about how the trick LOOKS and FLOWS over how complex it is. He makes what he’s doing look absolutely effortless to him, and it flows like a mf waterfall. So yeah, it’s one thing to learn these tricks, but it’s a whole other thing to make them look how he does. (3) As far as I know, there aren’t any tutorials for any tricks in this video - so I’m gonna have to slow down the video and learn em that way. Much more time consuming than having someone teach it to you, and much more difficult considering the quality, as mentioned in point #1. (4) I personally am super slow at learning tricks these days. As a kid, I didn’t really seem to have any trouble learning anything, but for whatever reason, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve found it more difficult to process certain maneuvers and it really takes a lot of time for me to get things down.

But yeah, I guess I’m just posting this so I actually have something holding me accountable and it’s not just a “thing in my mind” anymore. Maybe it’ll turn someone on to one of the greatest throwers of all time, or maybe turn someone on to the video who’s never seen it. Maybe someone will find an obscure tutorial that I haven’t found yet that will make it easier. Maybe someone will want to make a tutorial for one of the tricks in here. Maybe in a year or two I’ll replicate the video shot-for-shot - that’s the ultimate goal. Seems extremely far away right now but would be dope having these tricks in 4k (or at least somewhat reasonable quality). Maybe Guy Wright will magically pop in this thread, which would be sick as hell. Who knows.

Anyway…here’s the video for those who haven’t seen it. Definitely one of the best yoyo videos of the day, if not of all time IMO.


Been working on the second half of rancid milk and the rejection on em’s ice cream toilet. I’m awful at slack elements and have been trying to get better at them.


Just landed the most basic whip to kamikaze mount a few times, gotta work on it but its super cool to me! its my second whip trick after cheeze whip, which also needs work , lol. Slack stuff is really new to me, only started attempting it this year…

Still working on the last parts of kamikaze into and from the magic drop, i tend to just start comboing after that from recent practice on magic drop and shockwave. These tricks have cool new elements for me to add in to my still limited core trick knowledge and mix up.

I’m freestyling from kamikaze up to magic drop, to sort of quasi under or nothing, roll out to a flip into magic drop,quasi under, roll to flip to kwijibo, and then try to do something from Double or nothing out and or to bind. Can throw shock wave in there sometimes just haven’t done it much in combo. all kinds of recycling here…

I still gotta get back to work on superflow… i have been comfortable with the basic 1.5 mount for a long time but not swinging and hooking that inside string cleanly in the first move from 1.5…

Switching up yoyos alot during practice too …


I am really close to landing the Independent Tangler and I literally made my first freestyle yesterday.
The combo starts in a switch trapeze and brother into a trapeze to a double on trapeze release to an E- fan combo after that a half bee sting bind then a breakaway to independent tangler to full bee sting.
I know it is very short and it still ne ds a lot of work but its kind of supposed to eventually be a speed combo after I practice enough and master the independent tangler which is supposed to be the best trick in the combo.


Just got the hang of the trick basket of fries with the help of Doc Pop’s walk through. Super fun trick with a bunch of fun elements.


Sounds like a very nice combo, cool!

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working on white budda now, comfortable with kamikaze and getting decent at the basic whip to kamikaze mount.

freestyling is even more fun with magic drop and kamikaze mixed in with other elements i know.

i keep ignoring superflow, and spirit bomb. but i got to start on superman at some point too.

also, with the new butterfly and the right string length I have found an ability to loop that i never had before. its been really fun to practice. now i feel like i have to work on my right. lefty has 30+ years of being throw hand, righty has a few minutes of throwdown, sleeper, forward pass, around the world, and looping practice so far. its ugly.


Pretty rusty, it’s been a while since I’ve thrown more than the same 2 tricks. Working on remembering old tricks, including trying to land cold fusion more consistently. Also starting to try suicides for the first time.