What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

i am working on the gravity pull ITSSSSS SO HARD


Your profile says Shutter JDS is your favorite yoyo. If that is what you are using to learn gravity pull you’re gonna be disappointed for a long time.


I’m learning this. It’s a neat little combo.


I’m trying to land a 3.0 hook !!! It’s sooo hard :grimacing: but one day I’ll hit it, I can feel it.


3.0 hook is crazy! :exploding_head: good luck


magic drop to shockwave, and spirit bomb. trying to get smoother, land more consistently. the stuff i’m seeing in these threads seem like very distant targets right now…


Magic drop and Shockwave are pretty difficult tricks even for advanced throwers.

I don’t know your skill level, but if you’re new, I don’t mean to discourage you from learning them. I know many very, very good throwers who can land all sorts of slacks and hooks, but can’t do Magic Drop over 50% of the times they try it.

If it’s kicking your butt, try something new, then go back.

I think one of my favorite early tricks I learned was Brother Slack. It’s fun, easy to learn, and goes well with tons of combos. Another great one early on was Superflow, it looks really awesome, and as a repeater, there are tons of opportunities to add elements and make it your own. :grinning::+1:


+1 for Superflow :+1:

I haven’t learned a new trick in a while. Been working on tidying up my technique more than anything and working on finding my own tricks. Some tricks I’ve been ironing out are Wax on Wax off, Monochrome, and Seasick.

While we’re on the topic, does anyone have any tips for getting better at Seasick?


Double Explosion. It’s consistent-ish but needs smoothing out.


1.Still working on getting shockwave and spirit bomb clean.
2. Started on my first slack/whip trick last couple days, cheese whip. i wanna learn stuff with wrist mount lately and tsunami bomb looks way scary… getting there quicker than i thought, i have the basic whip around my non yo hand and yo hand wrist through it, just need to get cleaner re aligning and flip the yo yo into the bucket better. then maybe later can add in the extra pinwheel… i am understanding the need for heavier string…

attempting to work on superflow as well but its weird to get over my habits at 1.5 mount. needs a lot


Binds trapeze and split bottom mount


I’m working on a neat little whip repeater - it’s a Brent Stole to trapeze to hook, then an Esicka-style cycle out into a pop up to repeat everything. The pop is kind of an awkward motion, so I’m thinking about adding another element to smooth it out a little.

I’d also like to master popping hand/finger grinds into a few different whips, so I may work on a grind to Brent Stole next.


Gotta keep practicing on shockwave and spiritbomb.

Still working on cheeze whip, but i can land it more often now.

Been messing with matrix to kwyjibo as a repeater, its pretty fun.


Starting to get shockwave down and getting repeats smoother, finding that landing magic drop has been a little easier with small throws last couple days, little confusion and ss shutter.

Next i want to combo from double or nothing and triple or nothing into shockwave. I can set up the throw hand thumb index magic loop while i pinwheel into double or nothing, then roll out of double to trapeze into magic drop. From Triple would just be an extra roll back to trapeze.

Still gotta work on landing spiritbomb consistently.

Cheeze whip is also fun and fairly easy but gotta practice more to make it smooth.

Need to really start working on superflow and slack trapeze.

Been attempting guy wright binds here and there but its not clicking for me yet. Tolerating basic bind from undermount more now…getting more automatic.

Also, gotta start trying to learn gyroscopic flops.


Started working on kamikaze mount, already stoked on it because it flows to magic drop string position and i can now flow from double or nothing to a flip to magic drop and repeat that or follow with kwijibo after the flip and repeat from there. kamikaze mount is an easy way to get into magic drop finger and string position.

I can land slack trapeze now too, not great at it yet but can do it . not sure how exactly to make this flow, seems like a good place to start to roll into a double on trapeze.

spirit bomb is kind of back burner for now, i can land it occasionally, but i have not learned enough wrist mount stuff yet to find flow.


I am working on The Matrix … trying to get it smooth. It’s still very chunky. Had my best ever yet yesterday … doing about 5-7 repetitions and ending it with a Guy Wright bind … all looking a little bumpy, but I guess that’s where I’m at … :sunglasses:




I like the side style version of seasick whatever it’s called. Easier for me.


I’m gonna have to try that. I prefer side style boingy boings too.


Uhh since I’m here, what am I working on…

Oh! I saw Dylan Kowalski doing this trick on the new ZGRT review where he does a couple of Follows into a Hook and it looks really cool. I thought “hey, if he can hit that on a mini, I should be able to do it on a full sized yoyo, right?”

I totally can! Just… not all the time. Working on it :saluting_face: