What to do with broken yoyos?

Eventually, everyone’s going to have that stripped/broken yoyo

What do we do with them

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That’s what BST is for?
/jk I haven’t got that far yet as my yoyo’s are all still relatively new

I usually just fix them. What yo-yo and how broken?

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I glued it back together. Yeah, it worked way better than I expected.

If its stripped you can get it tapped

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Or use helicoils or keyserts if you want the same axle size and dont mind a very small added center weight


Parking lot offstring catch.

Stripped both sides of a myy sharks honor.

It is now a pair of shot glasses.


Never stripped a yoyo. Had plenty of bearings go bad though. Just throw a new one in.

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I haven’t broken any of my good yoyos yet, but in the past I’ve broken Butterflys and brain yoyos and I would just throw them away. I’d do the same with a good yoyo if I can’t reasonably repair it.

Paperweights? Frisbees?

If you have a stripped axle on yoyo that you can take that axle out then just buy another axle and replace it or if the yoyo is really messed up then just have a collection of yoyos that you can look at like a art collection but thats for yoyos that is not a dollar store yoyo

Xmas ornaments


Display stands for other yoyos.