What songs do you like YOYOING to?

Here is my weeb playlist I’ve been yoyoing to a lot. All Anime openings that get me pumped.


Anything Imagine dragons. And Look at me now by Chris brown, lol

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I’m bringing this thread back to the top cuz I need some new stuff in the playlist lol. I love Nas in general but N.Y. State of Mind just puts me in the zone. I have a bad habit of naturally trying to play at the pace of the song I’m listening to, so this one matches my pace and style perfectly.


Lol I too like reviving dead threads. I figure fun questions are still fun questions and I have a lot of 10 minute breaks between zoom meetings so whatever here’s my contribution

Just gets me so hyped and has such strong music cues to try to hit it’s just fun


Lofi and yoyo is so chill


Im usually all about making another thread but there were a lot of these lol. What do you do for work if you don’t mind me asking? That’s literally me too most days haha, I’m one of the “low on the totem pole” guys at my company so nobody ever asks me anything important or my opinion anyways :joy:

Love chill edm for throwing, so long as the bass doesn’t randomly drop hard and I’m trying to go Godspeed with it lol

No problem I’m a designer mostly web/ ux and some print always work from home, usually meetings on fridays

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Hey if you don’t mind I’d love to talk more about that sometime, I’ll DM ya. I do data entry mostly while I’m also learning to code and do cyber security but I’m not sure I’m liking it too much

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Personally I like to throw to old skool-ish hip hop, drum and bass and my fav song to throw to atm is 19-2000 by gorillaz


Nothing puts me more in the mood to throw than this song


Imagine 2A with matching footwork. Trans X Remix. Bonus it’s 3 minutes long exactly.


Yes sir, elite choice and group

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Rock, hip hop, lofi, soul, reggae, ska… whatever I’m feeling that day.

Today, Still Woozy.


This is about to be my new karaoke song