The K-pads in my G5 are wearing out… I know they take the standard 888 size but to save some money on shipping Im going to get a set for my GM2… Does the GM2 take the standard size too?
You should be able to just compare the sizes and tell.
Also, I suggest Flowable silicone if you don’t want to pay for shipping. There’s lots of places you can get it really easily.
im not realy sure but try some flowable silicon
I cant find flowable silicone any where… and Im making an order anyways so I figured I pick up a set or two
get your flowable silicone at any auto parts store(pep boys,kragen,auto zone etc.) 5$ worth will last you forever. Binds are TIGHT.
I never tried auto zone… I went to Menards and asked where the flowable silicone was and their like “What-able silicone?”
those shops selling toolboxes should have flowable silicone
ask for windshield sealant