What’s your favorite responsive 5A yoyo?

I’ve really been loving learning 5A and 0.5A on my Doc Pop edition Thing the past few days. I ordered a Freehand One that should arrive tomorrow to try out too. Wondering what some others are that would be worth checking out. Sorta been lookin’ for an excuse to prick up a Ti Confusion…


I play the non-Ti Confusion the most. It regens phenomenally and can always return to the hand. I’ve played both the hubstacked and stackless and kept the stackless, but in retrospect wish I kept both.

My close second is the Kasm. Awesome player, especially for the price. It comes with a bearing lock to play fixed so it’s very versatile, but I prefer it without the lock.

If you just want a backup, I learned most of my responsive 5A on a Butterfly XT with a Layer Infinity Monster Ball weight and Big Fun caps. The Big Fun caps aren’t necessary, the just make pull starts a little easier than capless.


The Kasm is great, and doc said he’s going to have another run of Things sometime in the next few months. I’m really enjoying the Thing. Honestly, the weekender and the daytripper are great for responsive counterweight as well; I learned a lot on my daytripper. I just looked at the weight of the Thing, and I’m really surprised I like it as much as I do, because it’s a few grams heavier than I expected. I definitely felt like I wanted all my responsive to be less than the new weekender, which is something like 52-53g.


Maybe non-Ti is the way to go. Save some money as well as a few grams. The one thing that’s always worried me a little about grabbing one was its weight, but do you find it that noticeable in responsive 5A?

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Every time I pick up the weekender I’m shocked with how light it is. It has been my go to for all things 0A related. Maybe I do need to give it a go in the 5A arena. It’s odd, the Daytripper feels heavier to me, but looking as the specs it’s quite a bit lighter.

I’ve also been trying to learn using a Butterfly XT, though I have a Kasm as well and I haven’t tried setting it up for 5A. I’ve been dropping the Butterfly a lot though as I’m learning, so does anyone know how the Kasm holds up to drops? It seems more fragile than the Butterfly but I don’t know if that’s just because I value it more than the Butterfly haha

The Confusion feels too heavy when you pick it up but it doesn’t when it plays. I have no issues with stalling other than maybe a little kickback on the catch. The weight makes it able to regen on a very short string and contributes to it being one of my easiest throws for tape measures (the finish is great for it too).

The reason I traded my hubstacked Confusion was because it was a tiny bit heavier but I regret doing so.

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I was a little more experienced when I started throwing the Kasm for responsive 5A. I’ve definitely dropped it a few times with no major issue. I prefer the Butterfly XT for learning because of cost and it’s wider with a wider gap, so easier to catch.

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The workhorses.


That’s a good point about the weight and regens. Never considered that aspect. I’m definitely going to add one to the cart.

Man oh man is that Kasm a beaut. Some day I’ll be able to add one to the collection. They look really fun and light for some 0A action.

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i can’t speak to the long term durability of the Kasm, but I’ve dropped mine a few times over the course of maybe a week of pretty regular counterweight play, and I haven’t seen a problem. But, I was also worried about breaking it.

the Daytripper feels heavier to me

I don’t think this is odd. I had a G2 Respawn Lite and a ZGRT El Mijo at the same time, and the Respawn Lite felt heavier than El Mijo. I’m pretty sure there’s a visual component to how heavy yoyos feel, and smaller yoyos feel heavier because they aren’t as light as our brains expect them to be.


Novel products require novel testing


Have you considered when your next run of these bad boys may be?

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Well in that case I won’t worry too much about it dropping on a wooden floor occasionally :grin:


Clear, unengraved Weekender FS, and Superblack Weekender. never intended the superblack one to be a 5A yoyo, but it took a nasty fall onto concrete, and it sealed its fate as a beater. the clear one I always intended for it to be a 5A beater. I’ve found that i’m able to play these yoyos harder than any other because the damage really does set the mind free in a stronger way than I ever realized.


I’m going to have a very hard time saying no to a clear Weekender when they get another run…


doitdoitdoitdoit lol

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I knew when I saw that clear unengraved was going to be an option that I would be out some $$


Currently working on it. Will take some time to get them right because the next run is going to look a little different :smiley_cat:


How do you like that unknown counterweight? Think I’m going to copy your confusion setup. It looks fancy.

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