@GregB. Right now I have to say Jay Scott Berry. His work looks bare-handed. I watched his Penguin lecture and loved his thinking as well. Of course I cut my teeth on David Roth as I started with coins mainly. Curtis Kam and Kainoa Harbottle as well. Of the classics it is Slydini, no doubt.
lately, been enjoying flipping around some home made Beglari!
Still probably hacky sack
Disc golf!!^^
Also diabolo, cubing, kendama, pen spinning, juggling a little bit, a very little bit of cardistry. Mostly yoyo though
if you like pen spinning youll LOVE beglari
I will have to look that up, what is it?
Wow! That is really cool! I need this!!! Do you have any extras I could buy off of ya at worlds??
Oh, I’m terrible at pen spinning XD
I can only get the spinning motion of flower sticks
Rubik’s cubes for sure. I want to also get into spin tops but just focusing on cubes and Yoyos
I was into spin tops over yoyos for a good while. I can juggle a bit. I can solve a 3x3, slowly. Figured out the 2x2 on my own, so that’s really slow too, but I enjoy it. Did card tricks as a kid, had some book…
I am still a noob but Beglari
Hard question, but I think the ones that I play most with besides yoyos are kendama balisong and begleri
Begleri, card and coin tricks… pretty typical I guess . I used to hacky sack all day, but the bones are too old for that now:thinking:
We’re not happy until you’re not happy! *<B{Q>
Me too
Recently got into Begleri. Learning a new skilltoy is fun and slightly annoying cause im used to being good at yoyos
Cubing is fun I can solve a 3x3 in like 40-50 seconds I also had a kendama for a while but it was a crap Duncan one that I ended up throwing away so I want to get a good one soon. Is the tk 16 good? Or some other one, don’t want to spend over $30?
Penspinning takes a lot of practice, and it’s more frustrating than throwing but you can do it anywhere pretty much. It’s also a lot cheaper - pen mods can be made with just stuff around the house.