What is the Coolest Yoyo Trick?

Gotta be Breath or Rancid Milk right?

Also, for impressing non-throwers, i think a 5A tangler is way better than a DNA.

I also can’t DNA but Tanglers always blow peoples minds.


I do like anything 5a for mind blowing. I never practice it but I had my friends like whaaaaaat?! when I threw the counter weight while goofing for them.

Green Triangle, in all it’s glorious forms.


Oh yea thrs many ways to do GT i love it


I would agree with green triangle. I remember seeing it the first time in some combo, and I HAD to learn it. Then I had to learn a dozen different ways to get into it. Just kept learning variations until I decided I had to branch out because my entire body if work was some sort of GT :laughing:. Out of the ones I know, I think Ninja Vanish is my favorite. Simple, but it’s like a magic trick.

Incidentally, I’d give a shout out to Magic Trick, too. While the DNA is very impressive, I think MT with a little showmanship gets people excited every time :wink:


Awesome trick yea yup thr many ways to do it.