HI, so I wanted to know what the best yoyo is on offset yoyo. Currently, I have the Variant and that’s it.
P.S I want it to also be budget friendly.
The variant is a great budget yo-yo but other than the variant I would probably go for the deviant since it’s only $45 (they are doing pre-orders on it at the moment) which is a great deal but that’s about it. Im eagerly waiting for a deviant to go back in stock as well or if your a beginner offset just released a beginner yo-yo called the accent for $20 as well. Hoped this helped ya out
Thx! I’ll probably get a deviant.
No problem and Yeah I really want to try one out as well !!! I want to see what the mono-metal and plastic version of the outlier plays like without spending to much of course. I actually just ordered a variant a couple of days ago on offset but I think that it will take a while to get here because it ships from Australia if you didn’t know (you have been warned ) but I couldn’t find a variant on ANY yo-yo retailer except offset so here I am confidently saying that my variant will be one of the best plastic throws I own
but enough about me how do you enjoy your variant ??
I found my variant from A2Z science (a sister company to yye). Also I knew it was from the AU.
Wow i never knew about that website good to know thx It’s just like i never knew about offset until I watched one of Brandon’s videos and that about did it.
I really like the Moebius, but I’m always partial to brass rings.
I haven’t tried the Deviant, but I’m confident it’s a great yoyo.
Yeah it sounds like a great mono-metal throw !!
I only have the outlier 2 from the offset collection, but the aqua is beautiful and the coating on the throw is amazing. It’s dead smooth and I’d say worth every penny.
depends on what you mean by “budget”.
cheatcode is a great throw. it has a next gen fingerspin cap made from delrin that has “auto orientation” so it orients the yoyo into a full fingerspin from whatever angle you hop the yoyo up onto your finger.
brandon also made the weight distribution and shape PERFECT for everything. the cheatcode is really the whole pack for 65$. it handles dna, godspeed, flow, tech, horizontal, behind the back, EVERYTHING
ok imma stop yappin about the cheatcode lolz