What is the best way to remove an axle that is stripped and won't come out?

Take it to the hardware store and see what fits - gently. Don’t force anything in.

hahahahahahah!! I won’t force anything. That was crazy. I have never had an issue like that with an axle. It seemed to fit just fine. No forcing at all. Then when I tried to take it out it’s like it had super cement on it. I grabbed my needle nose pliers and small vice grips. I just couldn’t let it go. Until I thought I was going to break it in half. Then it would have been even worse. Once again. Thank you everyone for your help!!! ;D ;D ;D I thought it would be easy to replace… but the axle is super short. Everything I had was way to long. Tomorrow a trip to the hardware store it is. I was frustrated. It’s an awesome awesome yo-yo!