What inspires you?

Here is a question that I am asked a lot by yoyo players and non-yoyo players: “What inspires you to make up your tricks?”

For me, the answer is music. My mind can’t seem to make up tricks with out some good music playing in the background.

What about you guys?

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James Reed and Charles Haycock.

Also, yo-yoing at twilight, where your fresh neon yellow string glows like it’s under UV.


The dark depths of my mind. Whenever I’m standing in line or not really doing anything, I try to think of concepts in my head and proceed to try them out when I get a chance to throw. I still have one trick I’ve thought of that I’m pretty sure isn’t possible, but I want to see someone try it. It’s a 1a variation on this trick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5KBvJ3pi10

You would have a string without a yoyo in your nondominant hand and be holding it in a jade whip type of formation.
In your other hand, you unscrew the yoyo almost all the way, throw it down, do a finger grind on one of the halves, causing the two to split apart. At this point, you hop the half that’s still grinding into the jade whip on your nondominant hand, and then hop the other half in to do the sworddancer with two halves of a 1a yoyo. The part that makes it so difficult is that they are both spinning opposite directions, so you need to time it just right.

Combination of trick tutorials/#trickcircles (Gambit, I’m looking at you) on Instagram as well as general yoyo videos. Also inspiring is being around other yoyo players in person which can be a tad difficult around here. Sure it’s the Bay Area but seems like yoyoing is dead around here. Lastly, music is definitely a driving force, even if it doesn’t exactly get me creating a trick from the ground up, it helps me execute a trick I’ve been practicing through smoothly.

Oh, and some late-night throwing. Sometimes some of the best things pop up when you’re half asleep late at night.


mostly thug lyfe videos and pizza


Funnily enough, my biggest inspiration at the moment is instagram. It pushes me to try and come up with new tricks, and to try different things so that all my trickcircles don’t look the same. ;D

I’m also in agreement with Zorro and AG, I always throw to music and I find that different types of music make for a different throwing experience.

Also, I prowl yoyonews.com on the DAY-LEEEEE and watch every single new video that pops up. Always great sources of inspiration right there. :slight_smile:

Inspiration… inspiration everywhere…

Gambit has just posted his signature meme. Things are getting serious.

MY inspiration comes from my yoyo club members as well as from videos. I generally struggle with making new tricks but when it happens it just happens.

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Honestly now that I think of it…I don’t know. HAHA. But I guess I would have to say that almost everything inspires me. It can be something as simple as music to something really weird like a slinky.

What inspires me to make up tricks? Hmm. I haven’t really made many tricks or combos up. But When I do. I usually go for a style that I enjoy or really like a lot. Not sure if that makes sense at all. But I really tricks that bounce and whip the yoyo around. Watching other throwers also help jump starting the brain into creativity mode.

My friends :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Knowing that you won’t ever reach world level but keep on trying for it. ;D

i have MAJOR adhd and add, so i learned to use it to my advantage when making tricks.

also, i sometimes will wake up at like 3 in the morning, make a trick, go back to bed, then realize i wasted an hour of sleep on making a new trick. SO WORTH IT THO!!!

i sometimes try to take elements from other styles, for example, do a move in 1a normally done in 3a/4a/etc.

the biggest one is watching players with a similar style as me in my main styles i do (everything but 2a lol) here is a list…

in no order…
1a: Yusuke Otsuka, Harrison Lee, Nehemiah Peterson, Ky Zizan, Zach Gormley, John Ando, Yuuki Spencer, Jensen Kimmit, Chuck, Paul Kerbel, Tyler Severance, Alec Campbell, Robbie Graham, Blake Freeman, JD, Spencer Berry among many others

2a: nobody yet lol

3a: Patrick Borgerding, Hajime Miura and Elijah Tan

4a: Ben Conde, Jeon Ji Hwan, and John Narum

5a: AJ Kirk (R.I.P), Takeshi Matsuura, Jake Elliot, Steve Brown and Tyler Severance

Double Dragon: The Zizzler (Ky Zizan…get it? ill stop…)

Mobius: Nehemiah Peterson and Zammy

$a: Erik Kerber, Morgan Freeman, and my sandwich that i ate 5 weeks ago

12345678987654321a: Ron Swanson and some bread crumbs

#a: everyone on social media

?a: that living thing from that one scene in that one movie

giraffea: air, wet carpet, and whale sharks


-21232425a: anyone who can count to potato (such as myself ;))

My friend at school who is constantly getting better. He both inspires and discourages me in a way.

Vashek Kroutil. Enough said. He’s how I started (saw his yoyo, watched one of his yoyos, never went back) and constantly keep me going. #TeamVashek