What in your opinion are the best kinds or shapes of yoyo's

I want peoples opinions on what they think is the best kind of yoyo width, shape, and that kind of stuff.


46mm with, 53mm diameter, H or V shape. Kinda like the new CLYW Swan but I’m too poor/cheap to buy new CLYW priced yoyos. lol


replace v with w for me and i can go a mm or two bigger diameter and around 63g-65g


All the specs and shapes can work if they’re designed well.

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and in the right hands. oh man there are players out there that can work magic with anything!

I don’t really like calling something like a Protostar W shape. I think the Shortcut, Klondike, Kagerou, W1ld, etc are what we should call W.

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the protostar IS W shape, better described by star shape

those yoyos you named are H shape

I’m pretty sure when it came out people just considered it and similar yoyos to have a variant of the V shape.

Tbh it was a bit silly of me to even bring up, because most modern yoyos don’t adhere to rigid shape guidelines anyways.

Whatever this (edit: the Bishamonten) is:


I really like the butterfly style it is good for tricks

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I enjoy all shapes and sizes of the rotational muse.

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There is no such thing as “best kinds” or “best shapes” of yoyos. There is “best kind of yoyo for specific person at certain moment of time”, which is you have to determine all by yourself by trying, and trying, and trying again different yoyos.

MMC/MCMO is as close to perfection as I’ve found, or just organics in general. But I’ve also been playing my benchmark H a lot lately and want to try more shapes like that.

Got to play this thing at Worlds (the proto)…it’s…quite the yoyo.

Other than not being particularly keen on organics, I enjoy pretty much all of the common shapes. And even with organics, there’s still stuff like the Tone that I enjoy.

Wow that’s cool.

Whatever this is:

Star shape with a response bump? That, in my opinion, is the best modern yoyo shape.


Then you would love a Top Deck……….:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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54-57 mm diameter
45-48 mm wide
64-66 g

I like a rounded H shape, but that’s just what I’m most used to. I don’t think I have anything that’s truly a V, but I should get one.

Gotta get moar yoyos to try them allllllll!