What in your opinion are the best kinds or shapes of yoyo's

Love me a W/H but also love them that rimmmmmmmzzzz.

I wish there was a kagerou type thing with flattened rims at the end

Same I love w and h shaped yoyos

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I like organics, usually 40-45 mm wide , 53-56 mm diameter, and lower walls, think difeo barebones profile vs duncan freehand zero profile. Also, i like spikes or dimples for fingerspins.

For me, I tend to gravitate towards wider yoyos since they’re great for stability, especially when you’re doing things like finger spins or more complex tricks. I like a “V” or “H” shape because they give a bit more width without feeling too bulky. That said, I also prefer something that’s not massive, since I find smaller, quicker yoyos give me more control for shorter tricks. The Evolve is a solid pick for long spins, but for general all-around play, I’d go with something that feels more balanced and comfortable in hand.