what if yoyoing became illegal?

I think this question is totally preposterous and actually quite silly.

Unlikely to happen, but remember Clackers? Iā€™ve done more damage to myself with a yoyo than with those things.

Iā€™d join an underground yoyo group and start a new yoyo related society with those interested

Personally, I support the yoyo ban. Why should taxpayers have to foot the bill for yoyo-related injuries? People canā€™t be trusted to make the right decisions regarding personal safety, thatā€™s why we have seatbelt and helmets laws. Letā€™s not forget, yoyos were invented as deadly weapons. Do you really want your children playing with weapons?

Anti-yoyo is pro-kid.

Are you talking about those magnets?

Suddenly, 2a wouldnā€™t be as unappealing as everybody thought.

:smiley: that made me lol

Clackers were a toy with two 5 cm acrylic balls that were connected with a string with a small ring in the middle.  You held the ring and with an up and down motion the balls would bounce/clack against each other.  If you really got it going, you could clack them above and below your hand.

I have a pair of those! Red ones!

Wait or we could start calling yoyos trick doorknobs.

Well Iā€™ll just make my own string! HA.

Yoyo in front of cops and die.

Ernie would be the Walter White of yoyos. 99.99% smooth. The most pure.