What happened to Trent Knighton?

If anyone knows of Trent Knighton from Alabama… Im curious to know what happened to him. I once made a video of him throwing and knew he was something special.


He hasn’t been active on instagram since 2017. Not sure what he’s up to, but it’s pretty normal for people leave the hobby or take a break as they get older and life gets busier.


I can’t find him active on any social. I seen a comment that said rip on one of his post. I was like nahhhhhh

This is older than your short video… but the same guy right?

I just asked Hans if he has any idea about Trent🤔


Yes this is him

Ok so I just saw this. I’m alive, still yoyoing, just not active on social media.


This is cotton I made the video with you and Chris. Can you contact me

Yeah ill dm you on IG


I sent a message on ig and here

Glad to hear you’re still around! Miss seeing your tricks!

Trent was my KingYoStar teammate and has always had one of the craziest tricksets in 1A I’ve ever seen.


Yeah I’m so happy to have reconnected with him. He’s so talented and he’s from where I’m from

Chris…. I’m from where you’re from!

…….Earth, right?

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Good hearing from you, Josh

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Exactly :joy:

You see, it all depends on your perspective. I am from Cali and you are from the other end of the Country. A long way off? Well, yes and no.

If you were viewing the Earth from the International Space station, the distance between where I’m from and where you are from only looks about an inch apart.:thinking:

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This is very true indeed

Dang those tricks were legit!!! No idea how I missed this one! Good to see you’re still throwing too! @igknighton

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He’s insane

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