What do YOU hope Santa will bring you this year?

An end to me and my families bad luck streak… Just want to live my life with my family without having a setback just when we get ourselves out. That’s all I want.

Health yoyos health peace of mind health good thoughts health sponsorship health all the good things health. Can I say health more times?

I know my wife got me a summit, which I’ve had before traded it like and idiot but that makes me happy. All I really want and can’t wait for is to spend time with my growing family, with it being my 10 month olds first Christmas I think it’s going to be a great one. Hope everyone here has a very wonderful holiday and a happy new year.

Although I’m a software engineer by day, by night I fight crime and . . . no wait, that’s not right, by night I’m a musician. Even though I’m a musician and I love music, I can’t stand Christmas music.

All I want for Christmas is the exact same thing I ask for every Christmas, a great day with my family.

And for all who are asking for good Christmas music, I will just leave the best Christmas song right here. :slight_smile:

Wife got me TOOL tickets, dad got me CLYW hoodie, boss gave me a bonus and I got me a Sweets Purpleheart striped Kendama en route. I dont want any thing. I hope someone less fortunate than me gets something amaze-balls!

Looking forward to spending time with mine and my wifes family. Can’t wait for dinner, turkey/stuffing and all the fixins is my favorite meal. I did ask for a few yoyos (Vanguard, Bassacuda, Orca) no idea if I’m getting any or not, I have plenty anyway.

Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy family time and any sick throw(s) you may receive.

¢a$h Mon€¥

Felt this was the only place to put this.

At the mother in laws for Christmas. Just finished decorating the tree with my kids and fam. Snuck this in there.



as far as yoyo related, I unexpectedly received a Magic N11. Never would have bought one for myself, but it plays really well! Im pleasantly surprized and my view on Magic has shifted a bit.

Does it count if I bought myself a Mixtape Vol1 and a Eh 2015 lol

This sexy f3 chameleon marble

New CLYW wooly hat that my daughter is modeling

And this monster my mother in law got me

New CLYW wooly hat that my daughter is modeling

And this monster my mother in law got me

Don’t know why I can’t put multiple IG links up.

Santa aka myself brought me these which completed my sengoku case

Well actually I was hoping to get twice as much as I got last year.

I got nothing last year but I figured if I am going to get nothing again; I might as well get a double portion of it.

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Another Valid reason to not like mother in laws.


I was hoping for a yoyo, but all I got was a kindle.

Funny story from yesterday:

Grandma: “Did you get any presents from Santa Claus.”
Me: (Knowing Santa does not exist) “No.”
Grandma: “Oh, you poor thing.”
Me: “…”