What do you do if your bored?


Hmmm…my “things to do” unplugged, not involving a yo-yo, would be:

  1. Play guitar (acoustic bass)/write songs.
  2. Read.
  3. Organize my closets or drawers
  4. Yard work…cut grass (reel mower), weed, trim bushes, water my trees, organize the shed
  5. Wash my car, clean it inside & out
  6. Make yo-yo holders
  7. Cook, start the grill, barbecue
  8. Go to work and make money
  9. Take a nap (I’m like a cat, I need them)

But, if I can plug things in, I’m on the computer, watching T.V., playing PS3 and the like. Yup…plenty to do.

Did you see the little vacuum tube robot… ;D Very creative fellow! His website has a tutorial on how he builds the gear & heart necklaces if you want to give it a go! They sell old watch parts by weight on ebay it turns out. For a few bucks you can get a bag of parts. :slight_smile:


Nope, just saw his stuff on Esty and thought they were really cool. The pics are linked from his Esty store or site.

We need to get together and jam sometime. You going to worlds?

If he goes, one of you guys should make a video. Post it right here in the forums.

Assuming we can find a drummer there with their kit.

  1. Play my iPod
  2. Yoyo
  3. Work on the go cart I am working on if the drill has a charge
  4. Watch tv
  5. Play minecraft
  6. Climb a tree/ get outside
  7. Practice on my clarinet
  8. Sleep

I drum! Though I probably won’t make it to worlds.

And its a long way to take a drum kit…

You have a Go Kart? Wooden I assume?

How about you put a Predator 212cc engine on there

then it will be powerful

You could make one of these!

How to make one.

I typically play guitar, continue my quest to get all of the achievements on portal two, listen to music, read, tinker with mechanical objects, and work on our 1928 Ford Model A.

i complain

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When I’m bored I go to the YYE forums to mess with people.

Yeah, you do ::)…