What did you get in the mail for 2020/2021?

Which run do you prefer?

I don’t buy new yoyo’s that often…


What’s the blue? It looks like a painted wood…

Oh interesting. They didn’t tell us anything about changes to the design. I’ll make a note to update the specs on Monday, thanks for pointing that out! :+1:

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My sage plays nice and unresponsive with the center track bearing. I would think yours should too.

Yeah - Correct. A Peon. Got it at the same time.

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On borrowed time with this guy. Such a fun, flowy throw. Part of this “pay it forward” started by @dizzo


I use the Almighty especially when I want to learn a long combo since it spins significantly longer than any throw I have. It is very stable and keeps to its plane very, very well. It is glass smooth and it also comes with a YYR DS bearing, so no need to upgrade it.

I really dislike heavier throws, but although it is 67.x grams, it honestly doesn’t seem to feel that much heavier on the string - anymore than a grasshopper gtx.
In fact my 10 yr old son uses the red Almighty as his favorite.

Also has a smaller gap width, which gives it a nice, consistent snappy bind. It is not snaggy at all.

I use airetic strings (slim) which further mutes down the weight impact when you throw it down. Now it feels even lighter - maybe like a Galaxy Diver 6061 (which is one of my favorites). With this setup it has become my EDC.


Definitely the second run… The first run of the Almighty is very fun. In the second run you can tell they gave the design tweaks a lot of thought, and it unmistakenly feels more refined.


My Mk1 Exia came in on Wednesday morning, but I was out of town. I just cracked it open last night and so far I love it. Here is one of my most gorgeous throws:


Mine arrived aswell, I like it aswell, very interesting throw!


MK1 mail day!
Very interesting throw, I enjoy this guy. @Roy_Dodge review was spot on! It plays lighter then it looks/feels. Very nice catch zone aswell.


Wow, that design looks ultra agressive!

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Man, this might by my favorite bi metal at the moment, very under rated in my opinion.

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Beautiful! And glad you agree with my assessment. @MarkD used some sorcery on this one to make it feel so light but still play so amazing.

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Got a new proto in the mail yesterday from a buddy of mine. Feels very nice!


The one that got dropped straight from the box? :wink:


Thats the one haha


Mountain Man:


That is beautiful. Low-key and tough-looking and I bet the first throw was amazing.