What did you get in the mail, 2025?

Been wanting one of these forever, deep personal meaning. Grateful they did another run.

Picked up the upgrade kit as well (basically a concave bearing, the spacers and axle seemed the same.)

Concave didn’t make it 100 percent unresponsive, but I assume if I put more hours on it, the pads would wear and it would become more unresponsive. Alternatively, I imagine ripping one pad out would have made it completely unresponsive based on reading threads here.

Put the flat bearing back in, and the sensation of doing a tug response was so satisfying. I don’t see myself putting the concave back in anytime soon.


I have not found the upgrade kit to ever get to fully unresponsive. Try thin string; it helps.

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Be sure to clean the bearing if you are going for unresponsive


Pop one of the response pads out, or silicone recess and it will be fully unresponsive.


Freehand one is best stock, imo. Or modded for a different bearing, if you really want it unresponsive.

I love my freehand ones, but I also have a FHZ modded by @pyrotechnic to have a c bearing and schmoove grooves, and I love that. Have not, however, been able to get one to play unresponsive reliably with an A bearing.


Yeah, I’m just gonna run it stock for now. I’ve been playing unresponsive so long that a tug response feels refreshing.

Saw you have a old Duncan Wheel. I remember when I was younger my dream was to have a bearing modded Duncan Wheel.


Dude! I’ve been loving it! It’s a GREAT fixed axle.

I’ve seen @pyrotechnic post a few modded wheels up. Hit her up, dude. Make that childhood dream come true!

Edit: speaking of the wheel, go check out the 0a thread to see it in action!


Do we need a childhood dream-yo thread?

Mine is the OG Duncan Freehand MG!


I just sold a Bearingized Wheel


I feel like that’s one of the main things I seen you move until you hit your recent freehand groove lol.

Is an unresponsive wheel fun? I’m just so impressed by the fixed axle wheel. I feel like it just becomes a freehand zero when you put a bearing in. Haha. Am I wrong?

Yomega Brain

Had one, never really knew how to use it, then almost immediately ruined it because I didn’t know what I was doing. I’m always on the look out for one when I’m out shopping and I see yoyos. Sure, I could probably, easily just buy one online, but it wouldn’t be the same.

Edit: Do it, start the thread on childhood dream throws, coward

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Fun fact the OG FH1 was designed after Stan Zygo’s modded Wheels. But yes it plays like a slightly lighter FH

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I found two, OG, in package brains out in the wild. Dummies wanted 40$ a piece! My excitement from finding them instantly died upon finding the price. Insanity.

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Did Brains even actually appreciate in price? For that much, they’ll be shelf queens. Ain’t no way am I paying $40 to throw $15 worth

Edit: Wait, didn’t we have a :exploding_head: reaction? Where tf did that go?

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Petition for :exploding_head: react. It’s crazy how often I want to use that and it’s never there.


Seconded +1 :+1:

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Finally got to experience the legendary OG Shutter
I would say it definitely stands on its own as a good YoYo, I can see why they sold 500 Billion of them, even aside from Gentry’s influence. Definitely Toyota Camryian. Honda Civice-sque, if you will.

Anyway, this Y Factory is freakin’ sweet, I have never heard of it, but it’s like the 3rd YoYo that One Drop produced, from 2009. It’s small, kinda heavy, and smooth as glass with an OD10b in it. The Smokey brown black anno is sick, apparently this was the debut of Pyramatte, and it’s got the signature grooves down the catch area. I really like it, it’s reminiscent of the 888 for its size and kinda weight distribution, but has the characteristic one drop feel as well, and a killer thumb grind lip. I really like the hub, looks like a predecessor to the Side Effect design, much smaller and fixed in the halves. Perhaps @da5id could shed some more light on it?
Worth the trade I made for it for sure.

@TryCatchThrow was very kind and sent me some counterweights to try, and they are each really good in their own way!

The bullet:

The smallest, but most comfortable for having at the base(?) of your palm. Has a lil squish to it, easy to throw around, easier to catch than a D20, but still modestly sized, and feels surprisingly dense. Very nice!!

The barrel?

Sick fade and really cool design detail, satisfying to hold and catch, very good counterweight, way better than what I’ve been using. Firm material, large size, light feel, ergonomic.

The YYBC Die!

This things awesome, it is fairly large but still feels nice and light, has a good amount of squish, so it will be very forgiving for learning more adventurous 5A! Has all 6 pipped sides and he cleverly used the 4 for the logo, and the front hole in the 5 and 3. Definitely recommended for all you boomer freehanders!!

Thank you @Cyclontz and thank you Keith for a great mail day. The usps delays from the federal holidays actually worked out great because all this fun stuff was perfect to take my mind off things tonight.


I’d also like the ability to react with this: :clown_face:

and maybe this, too: :nerd_face:


Wall art display my wife got me for my birthday came in. Got it setup in my office and took a first pass a filling it. I’ll probably end up just rotating things in and out constantly, but loving having a place other than a case for them


I’ve found the happy place for freehands to be deshielding and adding a drop of yyj thin lube. Brings it to a nice semi-responsive play that is a bit more forgiving, but still mostly tug/flyaway responsive