I bet! I was def thinking of your wheel mods when I first pulled it out of the box. I’m gonna have to try one, one day.
Holy friggin’ moly! The mail day to end all mail days! every single one of those looks fantastic.
Man I like that pale blue on those States!!
That’s just the lighting, unfortunately.
Those are clear.
Do they sell these stickers at the place they sell the freehands? Or were they just included with the purchase
Was just included with purchase
Plastic Fulvia is $29.99 right here on YYE. Incredible value imo - I haven’t been able to put it down since I got it.
wait a minute, are kitty string now made in the philippines?
I thought they made in japan after rebranding
Oh wow, thanks for the info, and that IS an exceptional price, I definitely see one in my near future! Happy throwing!
You made my day @■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
The Oasis rocks
And shout out to Zipline, just got these in the mail too, such an amazing string
Petition for YoYoExpert to un-censor d(i)ckytwothrows username.
Petition for YoYoExpert to maintain the censor because it’s funny af
I only got one duncan butterfly sticker w mine :’( I’ve been meaning to snag an unknown butterfly so I’ll try putting in a note with my next order lol
Wangle underrated 5a yoyo
I do believe this is an OG Shutter, as it’s only 44mm wide, but this has been enjoyable so far!!
Second Someone’s gotta be the black sheep
@kretzschmar glad you like the Oasis! Hope it brings you lots of joy.
Cool photo
It’s funny cuz we all know the maildays ain’t endin’…