What did you get in the mail, 2024?

Yo welcomeeee! The bearing seat is the area under the bearing when you pop it out. Sometimes it just looks a little dirty there. I just wipe it out with a q tip or paper towel and my finger nail to get the corners.


David Hall

Woah. I didn’t remember posting this. My brain got so confused. Lol.

C&H is the best. :v:


All G2: Direwolf from one and Ghost, OC, Respawn Lite, Legendary Campaign, Big Boi, Project B and Easy Campaign from another.

Filling that back catalogue of missing models :muscle:t2:

Edit: Campaigns are the wrong way round. Oops. :grimacing:


It’s the next picture in the same comic :slight_smile:

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Nice you now can love the rock on a string with the rest of us. Also the boss is a fun undersized.


Speaking about the DV888 because I read before I tried it that it plays like a rock… it actually felt a bit like a rock.

That’s because… it is… a rock :rofl:


Hey, I’m working on my bearing collection too. I never want to be without what I need to throw. I probably have close to 800 strings now, bought a 100 pack of SOCHI strings and I really like them, mainly because they are 4 or 5 dollars cheaper than the Throwback strings I was buying. I stock up on pads and bearings & tools too. I just buy a few with each yoyo order and it adds up after awhile… especially when I can’t stop buying yoyo’s! I have 5 more on the way as we speak. Ever since I got that new case I feel like I need to at least fill that one up with yoyo’s but then I’ll have 4 empty MYY cases and 1 small Throwback case that I know I will feel the urge to fill once I complete this new large case. It’s insanity but it’s fun insanity!


Yeah people tell me o don’t need more than one bearing tool but they are wrong


Respawn lite, a Mummy Guy, and some nice thick string. Thanks @Veedo


I’m glad everything made it safe. Let us know how you like the Respawn!

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Curious how this one plays. Let us know what you think.

Very quick first impression: big, light and silver.


Thanks to @Tiffuhnie for the opportunity to pick up this well loved Markmount Next Nickel with brass Markmount side effects.

It is a little beast there is a lot of yo-yo in this small package.

It is the weekend in 75 min.
Everyone have a great start to the weekend.


Didn’t unscrew it yet huh? Those aren’t side effects, just brass nuts.


What kind is that nice thick string? Me likey!

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Thank you for the heads up. You are correct, I have not but now that I know I will not be unscrewing it any time soon. I am enjoying the getting acquainted with the little beast.

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Yeah the MMO side effects were just modeled off the look of the MMN, has to be one of the best looking yoyos ever.


I love mine.