Nice haul you got there. I’m very intrigued by the Tidehunter and the Senti-Metal. How do they play?
Zipline Kotn.
Depending on the axle, maybe a little bees wax.
Then enjoy!
U managed to lock down the whole dream team all within a few weeks of each other. Insane congrats
I’ve played Tidehunter a bit and I can say that for 60$ it is superb. Definitely feels cheaper than other expensive titaniums, but it does that sound and plays powerful and interesting enough. It has like 9/10 nail vibe which I consider as no vibe at all. So, I think I would keep this one in my collection, maybe will spark it later
About Senti-metal: I was very impressed right after first throw. In play it reminds me OD Kuntosh 5000QV with that awesome capped hollow feel. It is very stable, going powerful, but can get some speed. Weight is perfect for this yo-yo, design is one of the best I’ve seen. It will 100% stay in my collection, unique yo-yo.
And some impressions about steel one called Watieboo SS-01: I’m sure it’s one of the best value yo-yo purchases for me. I was able to get raw version without any ugly engravings, it is looking nice and clean. Like with Tidehunter, I can feel that steel material is cheaper than my other ss yo-yos, but it plays really really solid. It has nice weight (65g as I know), good shape, 8/10 nail vibe which is good for steel, can be played fast, has some float to it and overall very good yo-yo.
Hey Nikita. Wow, thanks for this elaborate reply. Much appreciated
Considering my wallet I guess sometimes it actually does hurt to ask, huh
This is a big mail day today. Really happy that I managed to find these beautiful yo-yos for my collection.
Big thanks to @POspot for BOWL XL Popsicle edition and bunch of colourful strings.
And big thanks to @Cunez for Bowl 303 ( it was my dream) and Bowl Mini D
This Wyvern is the first yoyo that I’m not too fond of right out of the box. I love the hand feel but the spin time is pretty bad. I can’t get through a second revolution of the matrix without the yoyo running out of spin time and tipping over. Could this need a break-in period? I’m honestly not a fan of the flat bearings they use, it looks like the string is always rubbing against the response pads, causing friction which could be slowing it down. Any thoughts on this? Maybe I should put a center trak or vip bearing on it, or should I just play with it to see if it breaks in more? I didn’t have the problem with The Wizard, although, that doesn’t get the best spin times either but I thought that was more due to the organic build and size and it doesn’t really bother me on that one much but I should be able to do at least 6 revolutions and still get a tight bind at the finish. Again, this is my first time I’ve experienced this with a new yoyo. I didn’t lube the bearings or change out anything, just throwing it straight out of the box. With these beefy rims, I was hoping for some good spin time.
Sometimes bearings can be fouled up even though brand new. This sounds very much like what you have here. I can get 2 revolutions of Matrix on a responsive if I’m reeeeeeally careful. Every unresponsive no matter how bad should be able to get 2 revolutions without issue. Definitely change out that bearing and think you’ll get the performance you were expecting.
I would say that this is not typical for the Wyvern. Could be a bearing that needs cleaning. Switching out the flat bearing could also help, if you are not a flat bearing fan (many are not).
Last mailday for a hot minute and oh boy, Blasted Nickel and Saturday Market Kuntosh 5KQV.
I need a financial breather.
Then I’ll hunt down an Unknown Kuntosh.
$175 and $150 a throw adds up quick.
I did take it apart and spin the bearing with my finger, I didn’t notice anything off, seemed like it spun normal time but I will definitely change out the bearing and see if that helps. Thanks!
Funny, my Wyvern with a DS bearing has always been my “performance” one-drop since i got it, kind of replacing my Top Deck. I recall saying, and I still hold this opinion, that the Wyvern plays on rails.
Maybe try a clean center track bearing.
Always with the heat!
That’s good to hear. I love the feel and look of it, I’m sure a new bearing will fix the issue.
Update - I switched out the bearing with a Center Trac, much, much better! Now I’m feeling a lot better about this purchase. I still might try to salvage the flat bearing for The Wizard. I’m still struggling with getting the c-clamp off the bearings so I developed a not so good method of getting the shields off, I actually ruined a bearing just the other night doing this (I was successful until then, now I have to re-think my approach). Is it possible to clean the bearings without removing the clamp and the shields with good results? I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t even lube my bearings, I can’t stand the break-in period, even just a dip of thin lube on the end of needle point is too much. I just noticed that one of my thows is still acting responsive from a spec of thin lube that I added months ago. I’d rather just enjoy the life span of the bearings in their natural state, I mean how much longer can the lube add to the life of bearings anyway? And, how much of that extended time is spent frustrated, cursing out the bearing to break-in already! At this point, it just doesn’t seem worth it to me.
And broke as a joke. I vaguely recall $337 buying a lot more yo-yos not too long ago.
FWIW, this is from OD’s bearing product page:
I run bearings as they ship until they act up. Then ditch the shields, clean them and run them dry.