What did you get in the mail, 2024?

I believe the mods were done in-store, as the orders were prepared for shipment to buyers.

Edit to add: turnaround was very quick.


Itā€™s a shame because I love the idea of it, but maybe the method could be refined a bit!

I get how you feel for some reason I would be okay with this but thatā€™s just me. I realize someone who was hoping for something more refined would feel like this wasnā€™t worth it.

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So wait, these legos were modded afterwards? I thought these were a specialized design provided by onedrop. I thought I saw them say that they would have tapped through lego side effects available at some point. :thinking:


I thought the same

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I believe these were drilled through by OD, but only tapped the whole way through by the seller, on request.


So confusingā€¦

So, what exactly do the mods accomplish? Was it so you can use all the fancy gadgets with it?

Honestly if you are using the thing as a spin top and stuff its only a matter of time before you scuff up the cerakote yoyo anyway. Maybe it just makes it more palletable to chuck that thing around and beat it up.

Seems like a fun yoyo. As long as it doesnt affect play you are probably getting enough functionality out of it to be worth it.

I sorta assumed thats the point of these yoyos anyway.


I think this is basically it.

It was reasonable to hope that the execution would be cleaner, but I ordered the modded version purely for the novelty.

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The browser-translated Japanese version:


the text from the website says thats exactly what was done


Yooooooo! Boomer is here!!

This is the last prize out of Modern Responsive March! Of course the first thing I had to do was hit a hubstack DNA :laughing:.

Its a Timcore Productions Starfire. I did not know anything about this yoyo before I won it, but I am super glad it made its way to me. I can already tell im going to use this little dude a lot!

The hubstacks are super smoothe. I was not expecting it to feel as powerful as it does when you are holding it by the stacks lol. The yoyo rims spin brown to the eye while it spins, very nice! It suits its namesake (the boomers club) :laughing:.

Iā€™m keeping it unresponsive for now, instinct is telling me thats the way to go but weā€™ll see in the longrun.

Thanks to the Boomers Club and everyone that parricipated/cheered on for all the work the past few months! Glad the fun is still rolling with 2April!

Oh P.S. I love how the hubstacks keep spinning after it returns to the hand. The sound is so satisfying for some reason lol.


Yeah, I was a bit bummed that it wasnā€™t more refined. I intended to use these side effects on NQP Panorama, but I wasnā€™t expecting the finish on them to be like this.

Iā€™ll probably still use them on the Panorama but Iā€™ll probably end up sanding down the cuts on the SE rims so it doesnā€™t damage the yoyo half.

Maybe mine are just a bad set.


I need another. And that tortoise looks excellent.


i am envious. The fact we had a collector try to buy the prize off us during the event really makes this timco starfire something else.


Made some adjustments to my Saturday Market collection. Deep State swap and new-to-me Parlay. Thanks a ton @fatguysnacks247 and @addiction77!!

Deep State



Heā€™s got some left on his site, only a Franklin.


New version of the Assassin:


This was an unexpected donation to us. TimCor reached out from our social postings and asked to Sponsor. We are glad he did!

For anyone who won something during the Events, a big Thank You goes out to the Sponsors who donated. Without them, we wouldnā€™t have given anything away!


Hahaha wow. Thatā€™s funny!

There are like two videos of this yoyo on YouTube. One from Nate and this 14 year old gem, pixels and all!

Iā€™m grumps cuz my boss called me to tell me he needs my news story by noon tomorrow, which means laste work night for me. I was like, but bro I just got a new yoyo!!! :rofl::rofl:

Iā€™m going to become a hubstack master with this thing, Iā€™m not really sure what their full potential is yet :thinking:.