What did you get in the mail, 2024?

Zipline is pretty great


Dressel does it again. This thing is pretty sweet and different from everything else I have—steel, super organic, D bearing. Very cool throw!


So everyone is gonna make me feel bad for passing on this, aren’t you?


Back in the day I’ve used flowable silicone in the recessed molded area of a flying squirrel and Mosquito to great success adding weight. I also did one flying squirrel with two part JB weld epoxy where the balls were and after hex tuning it and screwing the side caps back on it had minimal nail vibe. :blush:

Also did a similar JB WELD Weight ring mod to a Shinwoo phantom to replace those godawful metal C rings. Let it cure then lathed it back to allow the caps to fit properly.


Yes :laughing:. Seriously, I liked the design, and if I’m honest, I buy largely based on DD’s track record. They just get it right. I bought the Parallel because two of my favorite companies collaborated, one being Dressel.


shameless plug, my girlfriend actually did the art for it! had to pick one up :smiling_face:


Did anyone else misread this despite knowing what yo-yo it was? XD or just me? :peach:


We didn’t work on the parallel but we did the design work on the first couple motions. Still great throws and highly recommend them, appreciate the love!


That’s a great idea!! I just happen to have some rtv.


Probably misunderstood. I thought it was a collab. Either way, you do fantastic work, and I look at every release from you very carefully because I don’t want to miss out.

About 5 hours in now, and I love the Oasis! It’s fantastic, and I usually have an anti-honeymoon period :laughing:

Edit: here’s my mistake:
Collaborating with Patrick Dressel on the design of their first yo-yo, Perpetual, the team was impressed with the result.

This is in the Parallel description, and I misread it as working on the Parallel. Regardless, both companies produce outstanding products that I seriously consider every release!


I see it. :laughing:

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Patrick helped Motion get off the ground, I support his company and he supports mine to this day. And we remain good friends, all love for @hobbygod from the whole Motion Team.

Parallel was designed based off perpetual, so you aren’t off base :slight_smile:


Deeper state(s)


That might work but tbh I wouldn’t recommend it as a matter of the chemical adhesive differences between Red RTV Gasket Maker, Clear Adhesive Sealant, and flowable silicone sealant. I’d highly recommend the flowable. For a couple good reasons.

Flowable will self-level and fill any tight gaps, edges, and bubbles with the aid of a toothpick if it doesn’t naturally flow and fill everything on its own. RTV will start vulcanizing as soon as it leaves the tube and will be much more difficult to ensure consistency and a complete infill of the cavity. RTV and adhesive silicone sealants are also MUCH more difficult and annoying to remove in any large covered area, if causing added vibe from inconsistencies. Not as noticeable in a silicone groove. :hugs:

Clear flowable you’ll be able to see any exclusions and bubbles to fill before it sets and cures.
I’ll have to dig out my old modded squirrels and squitoes and send ya some pics sometime. :blush:
Old brass thick spacers ftw.


Sure why not. I need more stuff anyway. But seriously thanks for the insight.

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This is the only one I’d recommend for weighting old Duncan’s with. Also works for Duncan butterfly’s really nicely. :grin: Adds a lot of spin time to them. Glad to help anytime.


Where did you apply it on the butterfly?

The gap.

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Had to pop the caps off.

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There they are!!!

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