What did you get in the mail, 2024?

Pads for 3A. A friend gave me some of the black pads from @Modern_yoyos to try out at worlds. They were really good and I’m so over having to use softer silicone for my 3a yo-yos. It just doesn’t last long enough and is annoying having to do every few weeks. The black pads have the softness I need to bind with the Uber short strings I use to play 3a with. One of my pairs was even a bit too snaggy so I got some grey for that pair. Shoutout Ross for having the best pads at a great price.


Thank you for the shoutout! These particular pads were created because Aliyah Tan told me my other pads weren’t soft enough for her super short strings. These are now the pads she uses in competition and they are a 30 on the Shore A scale (very soft).


Are these the same as the black atmos pads? Same durometer.

Nope, these are Hollywood Pads. Same quality I’m sure, but I guarantee the best prices.


What was the shore rating on the old clear Mouse Pads when you were under the ilinx brand?

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I’ll second the shout out for @Modern_yoyos
I ordered a set of Poi to practice 2a rhythm stuff. Ross added some pads to try. Good timing because I wanted to replace the pads in one of my throws. Next I gotta order his 3d printed throw. He didn’t know me, but let me try it out at a DXL crew meet up. They’re sick.


What is yout thoughts about this yoyo?

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Its really good although I have been out of town the past few days so didn’t get a lot of throw time on it yet. But even with that I could easily see this being a top contender for the best yoyo of the year imo. Also one thing I noticed with the purple one is in bright light it kind of gives off that floating rim effect because the clear polycarbonate rings. I would say the hype from worlds turned out to be true.

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amazing mail days


My noradrenaline arrives today, can’t wait!

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I got a package from Zipline so I figured I’d do a faux unboxing (technically a padded un-enveloping).

I know everyone gets extra stuff and a nice note, but Zipline still makes me feel special.

Here is how it went down.

Email says expect a package by Saturday, September 14th by 9:00 PM. Sitting on the front bench Monday 1:20 PM EST 9/9, saw the the USPS truck and headed to mailbox to meet the USPS Mail lady. Engaged in brief discussion about how the dogs in the neighborhood all get biscuits, I pay my taxes! how about some Snickers Bars for the Peeps? She took it under advisement. Then she hands me this…

Knife in hand, I carefully tear into package.

Carefully removed item by item the contents, here they be. Anyways “Why did the Yo-Yo cross the road?” Thanks @jeremypark and family.


what knife is that?

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Rough Ryder Tadpole linerlock.

Works great for opening packages, but if in a knife fight it would be good to be fleet of foot.

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tbh, thats generally true for most knifes

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Package arrived JIT.

Tried bustin’ out a new trick, got tied up, but not in the good way. Even tried the “Safe Word”.

Whipped out the brand new ZGRT Zipline Throw Key V2 and order was restored. Pretty much has already paid for itself. All parties involved not speaking of incident.


Expanding my skill toy range


I had an epic mail day courtesy of Coffin Nachtmahr. I’d bought the Lunar Eclipse and the Nightingale from him and he absolutely slammed the package full of extra yoyo’s and damas for my students to use and play.

Needless to say they’re in complete awe and completely amazed, as am I. On a sidenote, there is one throw that was in the box that isn’t pictured. At the start of the school year I always tell the kids what my goals are and a little bit about me and my hobbies. This one student asked who designed my favorite yoyo’s and then told me I was cappin (lying for those of you who don’t interact with youth) when I said I talked to Coffin. He has spent the last four weeks convinced that I’ve been lying through my teeth about everything in my presentation so he lost his mind when Coffin sent him an autographed yoyo in the box.

Sorry to make this a longer post but Coffin is a legit human being for helping to make middle school more fun for some kids and I’m definitely grateful for the help!


I actually managed to buy a MFD from the Zoo. I couldn’t believe that I lucked out. It arrived today and isvery beautiful, Beautifully presented and it throws smooth, with no vibe and spins forever, it seems. Now I need to start learning unresponsive, or perhaps just set aside a little time every day to contemplate it. lol The color is a slightly greyed matt orange with the red and black and yellow. The camera does it no justice and it is a new Pixel 8. I have wondered over the reputation and I have bought a couple of others used, but this one displays what all the fuss is about.