What did you get in the mail, 2024?

Compared favorably to the original Cabal:

I didn’t play the original, but this tracks with my impression, which is that it is a good Delrin but the rings do not give it anything like hybrid power or stability (probably weren’t intended to).

I don’t have any issue with the string gap, but I use thin strings (Markmont Formulas regular widths).


I’m gonna have to try thin string one day. I use first class kitty XL but those are my fave bulk strings.


I think that Markmont regular and “tech thin” strings are worth a try on any yo-yo that seems prone to snags and string rub. These are pretty much all that I use on unresponsive yo-yos these days, even if they play fine with thicker strings. The downside is that I have to be more conservative with binds on wider gaps.

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Im still working on how I feel about the play but I have not noticed anything off about the binds. I forgot it had a larger gap tbh. I use kitty fat with everything tho.

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This one was an unusual pick up for me; not my usual jam. I was very drawn to the colorway. First few throws are pretty awesome.


So far I love the way it feels and plays, but it’s got more vibe than I expected. I have a Doc Pop DIY that’s glass smooth, so I’m wondering if some vibe is to be expected with Bi-material throws. Anyone else?


It’s felt like a real drought from YoYoEmpire, so the sight of a new entry in the Wind series (the North Wind (Boreas) “God Pro,” at least according to the listing) meant an instant order.

Here it is next to the original Boreas and the Boreas Pro.

As you can see from the pictures, the steel (?) rim is very thin, almost an accent, but it’s enough to push the weight distribution outward and make the cup larger. Landing spins is very easy and the throw itself is glass-smooth.

I’m glad Empire Design is still out there doing it. Next on my wishlist is the unofficial Notus II, Doc Pop’s D.I.Y.

Edit: On YoYo Empire’s Facebook page they just call it the “Boreas Pro - Top” It’s not a great name but man, what a fantastic yoyo. The rim weight is so subtle that it feels like a pure plastic, but with that little bit of extra power and stability.


I haven’t noticed any vibe, even after taking it apart. The bearing is kind of noisy, and that comes through the yo-yo as a plastic-y rattle.


Like @hsb mine doesn’t have any vibe. I would maybe ask David about it. Did changing bearings make any difference that you can tell? And sorry to hear.

I love my Cabal 2, I can’t really put into words but that I really like playing with it. I’m trying my best to not have duplicates but I wouldn’t mind a 2nd to have one for trips and walks.


Looks like some fantastic yoyos, everything I’ve got from yoyoempire plays great. Wish someone in the states carried them.


This yoyo was such a surprise to me, I love mine. truly a great throw


I’ll try changing the bearing when I get home, but it doesn’t feel like bearing vibe. Nothing like the bearing vibe that came with the Cross Bones. BTW, that bearing is getting one more chance, lol. Otherwise, the Cross Bones is still fantastic.


Cabal Gen2 in Midnight. Super fun, laidback yoyo. Play is on the slower side and is very easy to get locked into the flow state. Nondemanding and easy going are how I’d describe it. Have been enjoying it a ton the last two days.

edit: forgot to mention that Pyramatte on POM is SO NICE! The texture is great and really elevates the experience of the yoyo.


Well said Brandon :hugs:


Could’ve had that exact one :see_no_evil:


Loving the Firebird colorway. Hopefully they’ll have white and gold next run. :star_struck:


This thing is sooooo sick. I cant believe ive been sleeping on Motion for so long. This is probably one of the best performing, most comfortable throws i have gotten lately! Truly a masterpiece!


I love this yoyo. Use it all the time.


Thanks my friend :slight_smile:


Had a dead’ish bearing passed onto me from bst pickup. Finally threw it into uncut Simple Green, after hearing it from @KorinaMcCarty. Left the bearing soaking for some time overnight. After giving it a quick rinse and pat, I was happy to see it had a decent spin back on it again :heart_eyes: