What did you get in the mail, 2023

AL7 Carbine in Pacific Storm and Diorama in Saturday Market


Jiminy crickets those look good

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Super fun throw landed today, Hands down my favorite yoyo for under 70$

So wish these were easy to find though so i could have one of each color lol just this one took almost 2 months of searching :sweat_smile:


My first mail day this year. Courtesy of @mable .


is that metal drifter missing a cap for the axle? pretty interesting that they use a standard nylock nut


Yeah it is, the most unfortunate part of the screw caps is that they had a tendency to come off during play LOL. The ones for that yoyo are looooong gone.

Pretty sure these things can have a PGM axle shoved in and you can stack them if you really wanted to, so there’s some cool stuff that came from the design.


metal drifter looks like a super fun one, even without the caps.

there is a toy store near me that has a faily large selection of Duncan, and they had some last time I was in. i like that the metal drifter comes in standard clamshell packaging for store shelves. i think im gonna buy one next time im at the mall lol.

i always buy from them just to support local stores lol


This is actually an old one, I don’t know if I can recommend the new ones which is what your toy store might have, although I’d never push somebody away from wanting to support a local place.

The old ones used A bearings and friction stickers, at some point they swapped over to a half spec C which is hmmmmm to me. I’ve never been a big fan of half specs in general, they just feel kinda slow and clunky and make the gap width a smidge too narrow for me to feel like I can just play them like a regular yoyo.

Yoyo kinda sick though, feels like an undersized metal capless FHZ. Def search out one if that sounds fun to you. Makes me really want to see Duncan revisit making an undersized organic.


ahh dang, i was hoping that the baering choices were reversed. for some reason i rememberd about the different a vs c bearing versions, but for some reason thought the a-bearing ones were newer.


First yoyo of the year for me and it’s my first yoyofriends after all these years and it’s amazing, the finish is so smooth. Well done FPM


If you see the Metal Drifter XL…worth getting imho!


Luftverk 000 came in today!


Got the fire steel for my 162.
Can’t wait to make a fire.


I still don’t know much about Kendamas tbh, but when I saw this one from KROM I knew I HAD to cop. Absolutely one of the sickest looking ones I’ve seen after going through hundreds of them. It’s the KROM Plasticity Halo for anyone interested… and as far as I can tell, it’s as good as it looks!

Also got the Turnbuckle from the Christmas giveaway thread today, thanks YYE! :heart:


Luftverk Plastic Fulvia, I received it a week ago. It is the 1st yo-yo of the year and an unexpected surprise. I really enjoy this throw because it feels so different, yo me. I keep having to check the weight and size of the Fulvia it just does not feel that big or that heavy.

I like the slightly under sized throws and ordered the Fulvia and was a bit… unsure how I would like the throw being ( On Paper ) a larger throw than I am used to throwing. I am so pleased.

They must have used yo-yo Illuminati magic to create this one. I can not stop throwing it it feels so different.

Everyone have a great rest of the week.

Thank you Luftverk


The colours on the blue one are stunning omg :anguished:


She complete!! Fire time.


Pacific Storm by G2 is one of my favorite new colorways

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Have forgotten to post on here on mail day excitement for a bit but super stoked on these

Monkey Finger Design pumpkin tears ape abductors
MFD conspiracy 6061
MFD firedevil ridgeback
MFD conspiracy 6061


Who makes those begleri?