What did you get in the mail this week? (2010-2011)

A bearing gull peak!

Hmm. junk…junk…junk…a No. 9…junk…Woah a No. 9! :stuck_out_tongue:

well like 2 mins ago i ordered this-
1 100 Count - 100% Polyester YoYoExpert String (Orange/Blue/White - TWISTED - 100 Count)EXP_100POLY-11 12.99 1 Duncan Bearing King Spin Top (Clear) DUN_BKING-4 12.99
1 One Drop V4M Lube ONE_LUBE 6.00 1 YoYoFactory Axles (25 mm YoYoFactory Axle) YYF_AXLE-4 1.99
1 YYF Fast Yo-Yo Holder (Black ‘YoYoFactory’ Holder)YYF_Hold-2 5.99 1 YYF Nubs (Black) YYF_Nub_BK 1.00
1 YYF Spin Top ‘Button’ (Translucent Red - Hard Plastic)YYF_SP_BTN-1 $ 1.00

                      Net Invoice:    $41.96
                        Shipping:    $5.45
                    INVOICE TOTAL:    $47.41

usual time to get to my house is 2 days so YAY

My FG Marmot!!!

Oh, and my StarLite, which my dad in AR graciously mailed me :slight_smile:

WAITING for a ceephax… ;D Supposed to be here today I think. Mail’s comin in a few min… gonna stalk mailman… gonna stalk mailman…

Some holesaws to cut the foam for my cases

2 Hspin Gorylla 411’s. Parcel also came with 4 Trading Cards!

Hiroyuki Suzuki
Kahli Evans
Guy Wright
Shinji Saito

punchline repeater (my third yoyo purchase ever!)
b+ ministar

i love trading :3

5star and beat gensis! I love them both.

An og One Drop Project

Boss,Northstar,and 100 count string

a YYF North Star and I’ve been LOVIN it!!!

just got my skyline and gorylla!!!


goryllas how are they?


A D-sized kk and a few yyr pads.

nothing… :’(…

Got my one drop 10 ball bearing yesterday. I love it should have bought one sooner. i hit two new tricks already. laceration and wrist whip

Easily the best $88(2yoyo’s + shipping) I’ve ever spent in my life. I’m completely blown away that they sell these things for $39.99. So glad I got 2!!