What are you throwing today?

There was a Diptych on FB and I missed it. :[

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That is like, my whitest of the white whales. I hope I can get my hands on a diptych someday

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Me too, looks soooooo fun.

18 posts were split to a new topic: I don’t understand the love for all the “organic” throws

Finding my Inner Ring Bi-metals in a state of Yo, G Squared Brass Elite with Fat Kitty and a SF Ceasefire with Phat Vines


Custom powder coated a-rt Grail. Probably the most beautiful throw I own and so chilled in play.


That looks awesome. I have been contemplating doing something to my grail. Its a clear finish which i like, but when i see stuff luke this i think it could look better

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I actually got it in a trade, so I’m not responsible for the colour choice but I’ve got to say that pictures don’t do it justice on how great it looks. I’ve never thrown anything that was powder coated but the finish seems solid enough, only time will tell.


Ya i figured powder coating is a great option so long as your not expecting great grind capabilities. Im also toying with a third coating option that i have never seen on a throw before. Im just hesitant to use my grail as a test piece.

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Well, my Grail actually grinds really well as the catch zone is slightly textured. Inside the hub is glossy so it tends to grip.

I’m interested in what finish you have in mind.


Interesting. Good info. I really want to do a Cerekote cermaic coating. Ive never seen it done in the yoyo realm.

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Stickers work great on the cups of grail as well.

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Continuing the meme, lol. Throwing my OD VTWO lately since it already has a nylon string on it and is really good for learning tricks. The nylon really helps get all the knots out of failed Spirit Bombs.


Great idea.


Totally agree on the nylon. I also keep a little more of a tail now as well. Say and inch or so, knot and then cut. This helps me quickly pull the loop off my finger and reopen the loop quickly when I unknot the string.



I got a little quarter inch tail that helps sometimes. That first cross-over mount is driving me crazy to get consistent, but I have no figured out how to pop back out after messing up without getting a knot. Nylon is definitely the best for learning tricks, but I like basic string blends better for the most part. Though I hear nylon is also good for summer-time (I started yoyoing again last fall, so it wasnt hot anymore).


It’s funny you say that about nylon and poly. I have almost swapped all of my nylon strings out to poly again this past week. I have been making my own and trying others. I am torn in finding one I really like. I think a blend is going to be the best best.


I have to say I cringe a little when I see the essential beautymus of an anodized yo-yo with a cheap sticker on the cup :confused:


I feel the opposite obviously. It reminds me it’s a toy. All about the fun. I could always remove the sticker no real harm. I especially love the “great job” sticker because it reminds me that even a messed up trick was a great job. It always smile when I see it. The high level of cheese on the stickers is great too. Can’t take things too seriously. I’m not a serious dude. Something about cheap stickers are the best.

Also I always will know it is mine.