Eternal Throws Current MFD Phatt Vines
11 posts were split to a new topic: Does this forum create “yo-yo envy”?
For every person that says they “suck” there are ten real people (non-yoyoers) that will think you are really good.
How does it play?
And they say the older throws aren’t as good as today’s… but…
You have a great argument there
Nice. I hope you feel better soon!
Thanks. It is a beauty
ive had about 20 hours to think about what @anon19434144 said, so here’s today’s photo of a cheap yoyo in what i would say is a pretty decent photo
That’s a SUPER nice photo man
It’s a Bape2.
Don’t want to create any jealousy here, so I’m keeping if modest with a YYF Whip with bulk Kitty Regs and a Duncan Die, this is my 5A in the driveway set up.
Gonna repost this since we moved the OT stuff to a new topic.
I’ve been enjoying looping practice in the evenings with this $12 plastic. I am a sucker for light up yoyos.
Didnt throw much yesterday, but the little time I did was spent with the DLRN and the doorknob. Today may be a Hatrick day.
EDIT: I lied. Bringing the OG out
Is that a gold 5000QV???
I got this sent to me in the post the other day and I have played with it a surprising amount! When the weather gets better I think I will go outside and try some 5A with it, but for the time being I have been throwing it around and been surprised by how fun it is! The only other plastic yoyo I have is the CLYW Big Dipper and I think I prefer this!
Yes I got it from One Drop for a Sov prototype I had lying around. My most excellent friends, I love those guys.