What are you throwing 2024?

I threw it and was immediately surprised with it. It was better than I remembered.


Beautiful day by the water with a beautiful yoyo


Parlay on EP20/20


Walking with Walter.


Day 26, One July


That color way is crazy… it always looks like it’s spinning to me.


This one declares emphatically, “you do not know that trick!”


DD connection… this throw is so beautiful :heart_eyes:


Nice score. I would love to hear your thoughts on how these compare. The Seventh Heaven is sort of the YYR version of the Sleipnir; so a comparison with another effort would be interesting. I have not played the Ti Sleipnir but I love my Seventh Heaven.

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Both are awesome throws and I would definitely recommend each. The seventh heaven has an extra gram of weight near the center that gives it a little extra float. The ti Sleipnir feels a little faster due to the lighter weight. The seventh heaven is more rounded and comfy compared to the angular classic Sleipnir design. Honestly they’re very similar in design with slight changes to each. @YoyoGeezer

Diameter, width, and rim thickness are the same between them.



WARNING! There are a large number of words in the following post. Anyone who doesn’t have long to live or is allergic to reading or is mentally challenged somehow that if they read long stories, they will snap like a twig and want to kill someone. Please avoid any words after this warning, thank you very much from Mo

Hopefully, this will at least be somewhat amusing for people that are much more knowledgeable about who makes what yo-yo?

When I bought Jeff’s collection of 540+ yo-yos several years ago now, I found out when I went to pick them up that he wasn’t a believer and keeping the boxes or tubes or whatever the yo-yos basically came in. He gave me a lot of stickers And things of that nature but all the little extras he gave me. We’re just put in one container and not actually identified as belonging to any particular yo-yo.

So basically, I ended up with a lot of really really nice yo-yos. And a lot of really really nice yo-yos of course, really really nice. I could throw a different yo-yo every week and possibly never have to throw the same yo-yo again in the time that I have left to live.

Of course that isn’t even counting my other thousand yo-yos so basically I can just grab a yo-yo and I’m just as bad at throwing one yo-yo as the next. Because sadly, I found out many years ago that no yo-yo comes with tricks included. Fortunately, since I won’t be competing anytime soon, and I still have fun at the average level of skills that I have achieved from actually paying attention once in a while and learning a trick, it doesn’t matter much because, I still like throwing yo-yos. And I figure if scientist discover way to extend peoples lives by 60 or 70 years, I’ll buy the treatment and that’ll give me time to learn another tricks.

Yo-yo pics that I’m posting up after my nearly pointless story will serve two purposes. The first one answers the question of the title of the threat. What am I throwing?

Sitting on top of that patriotic looking yo-yo, I got from EWolff years ago, is a yo-yo that plays really really well for me. It’s a little bit bigger in diameter than I would normally Consider my favorite zone, but it plays so well I can deal with that.

The interesting thing is that somewhere between one 12:45 half of the entire collection I got from Jeff, I have no idea what they are? I know that’ll sound funny to some people that know something about me but not a lot more than that. Some people are going to say wow that old Mo has been around for decades. He’s got ton of yo-yos and he should be, a professor of the history of yo-yos, and that was made by who and how many and what color which ones were numbered and things of that nature.

Wow, that is totally wrong. I started modeling yo-yos around 1997 thereabouts. I was still building custom Harley motorcycles at the time. I never really had a yo-yo as a kid. One day I was riding a motorcycle down the street and I saw a kid on the corner throwing around a yo-yo when I got done with my ride and put my bike up. I start thinking about that. I thought you know what now that I’m a Big boy and can afford to buy my own toys, why not venture out somewhere and buy myself a yo-yo?

As soon as I got a couple yo-yos and realized that I couldn’t do anything with them, I decided I would try to do something to them. Having my own machine shop for obvious reasons built right into the basement of my house, which is at Street level because my house is on an elevated lot, in my garage it almost looks like the Batcave. I was compelled to not learn tricks because at that time I didn’t know anybody that would teach me one. I was compelled to try to make the yo-yos spin better or better or better?

I had several yo-yos modified, I start looking around for someone to try them out and tell me if I was headed in the right direction or if I was just screwing up perfectly good yo-yos that I should’ve just left alone?

That’s how I connected with golden apple comics, because they were having little competitions and practice sessions and what not and I knew they’d be some people there with obviously much more talent than I didn’t have a lot to be better than I was lol. And I would ask some of the better players to try out some of my custom yo-yos to see if they were any good or not? That’s how the yo-yo doctor thing started. My girl gave me a small black bag to bring my custom stuff on my journey. When big Bill saw some of the kids throwing around my yo-yos he came over to see what was going on? What are the kids said hey Bill, you got to try one of these yo-yos. They play better than some of the stuff you sell in the store . Bill tried out one of the yo-yos and then tried out another one. He said wow these are really good. Where did you get these? I said well I’m a custom builder and fabricator and I decided to get some yo-yos and Dr. Frankenstein them, his eyes were drawn to the bag that I was holding. I had noticed it at the time, but it looked like a smaller version of a country doctors bag Bill noticed that and asked me, what are you some kind of yo-yo doctor? He made me laugh for a second and then I responded, yes I guess I am come to think of it. For any of you know anything about me the rest is history. I know it’s very small part of the history, but I’m in there somewhere like it or not.

This story is actually leading to something. To a mission that I’m going to start and hopefully some of you more knowledgeable about what you’re looking at can help me at least get close to completing it. In the next week or so gonna start a thread. The title of the thread will be, can you tell me what yo-yo this is? Each time I post in the thread I will post a yo-yo that I’m certain one of you guys knows what it is. And the reason I’ll be posting each yo-yo Will be because I stare at it for a few minutes before I post it up and I say damn I don’t even know what this is. Do I?.

I will catalog the answers as the correct ones come in. I won’t know their correct until somebody suggest what the yo-yo is and then somebody else or maybe a few people says yeah that’s what it is. Because if just one person says hey Mo, that’s a such and such? They may be right or they may be guessing? But if you guys try in and say yup, that’s what it is fool, Why didn’t you know that?

And the answer to that I’ve already shared with you. As much as I do know about what I have come to learn about the different aspects of yo-yos and young and yo-yo people, And having a ton of yo-yos, I have never suggested to anybody that I was a yo-yo historian.

I don’t know how many batches of what yo-yo came out or when and what color ways? We have a good number of people in the community that are geniuses when it comes to this kind of stuff. They can tell you how many releases the peak had and sometimes can even tell you what release you have based on a color way that was specific to that particular year or whatever. Some people know how many of each color were released. They know how many yo-yos were in a release. They know when the yo-yo was first released and when the yo-yo was retired.

I’m kinda like one of those idiot savants. Some things I’m really good at and some things. I’m really dumb at.

So for certain aspects of yo-yoing and yo-yos in general, I, like many others on the forum count on others that are much more well-versed in yo-yo related things than I am or we are I should say.

To me the most interesting thing about the thread, I will be starting will be how fast some people will know exactly what yo-yo I posted up. I know some will be tough. Some people will look at a few of them and say I don’t know what that is either. But some people will have the answers like somebody hitting the button on a game show.

When I bought the house next-door because my neighbor moved to Thailand and I made him an offer, he couldn’t refuse. I immediately told my wife I’m dedicating one of the rooms to nothing but yo-yos. She wasn’t too sure about not having a good vote in that because women like to do the floorplans on the house and figure out what’s gonna go where blah blah blah. So I took her to the local Toyota dealership and I bought a brand new RAV4 for $44,000 cash. When we got home I told her I’m gonna make this into a yo-yo room. She said yes, dear.

So here’s my initial adventure into the unknown. I’m starting off with one that I don’t think is a tough one. I actually think it’s an older G2 of some sort? I haven’t reached out to Jake yet and just asked him, Because I thought it would be more fun to see how quick you guys can jump on these images and tell me what the heck this is?

So moving forward with visual festivities, here’s my first victim>

Thanks for any help :sunglasses:


Pretty sure that’s a One Drop Kraken with a different bearing than the flat 10 ball. They had really sick splashes when they first came out. I recognized the shape right away because I have my green one on my counter in rotation.



Gs up…

…not sorry.


Day 27, One July


YYf Peregrine for today.


Dressel designs emotion, very very nice yoyo


Very neat picture trick!