What Are the Best Response Pads

Hey guys gonna place an order before long and I need some more pads, what would yall recommend?

If your just learning go with a softer pad. I mean I’m in no position to be giving advice. I’ve been doing this three weeks now, but I have orange blueprints which are a softer pad and a double wrap on my string. Still having issues binding so I can only imagine if I had “pro” pads. I started with a firm pad that an experienced thrower would use. I’m glad I switched because now I get an occasional bind.

Well welcome to the sport! I have been throwing for about 8 months so I am still learning a good bit. I have heard a lot about IR Pads, any advice on these?

I just bought a large pack of yoyo factory response pads. It comes with 5 pairs of different kinds of pads. I’m just going to try them all, and choose which ones are best for me. I also hear that the CLYW snow tires are pretty good.

I heard someone talking to Gentry before about response pads and his words were “they’re all the same.” not sure if that’s true or if others would agree on it.

Learn to set flowable silicone on your yoyos. Works for me better than most response pads. If not then get some snow tires from CLYW

Flowable silicone is also my recommendation. It’s cheap, lasts forever (with care), will fit almost any modern pad size, and almost as good as the much more expensive pads. Easy to learn, and a nice skill to have

IrPads are very good. But bang for your buck nothing beats flowable silicone

The differences between different pads are pretty negligible. Some pads are more grippy and/or last longer, but the differences are not huge

Awesome! Thanks for all the replys you guys! I will look into the silicone, what is a good place to buy that?

Online, any autostore. Get this one, works the best I think

Nice! Thanks man. Any specific tuts you recommend for doing it?

If you cant get flowable, Do Not get Loctite silicon. Dont get me wrong they work just fine, but generally flowable has a lot more advantages, or your own set silicon. Advantages include generally lasting longer, snappy binds and (with a bit of practice) easy to install. Loctite does not get any of these advantages, just binds fine. No more, No less.

Look up a video of someone doing it. If you can’t find a good one then theres probably a guide on this site if you look hard enough.

Although he is obviously a Multi Contest Winner; he is sponsored by a Company(YYF) that has a very comprehensive breakdown on the differences between their various pads: pink… Red… Beige… White… Teal…etc…

If… ‘If’ they were actually ‘all the same’; do you think YYF would even bother to state specific performance strengths and shortcomings of each?

Highly doubtful.

I am not for a single second trying to insinuate that Gentry didn’t say the mentioned response.

But if he did indeed say exactly that; what he probably actually meant was, 'They’re all the same to ‘Me’.

<Meaning that at his advanced skill level, he just needs a yoyo with a string on it… A place on the Stage… Some good music and about 2 or 3 minutes to win another Contest.

If Gentry forgot his own yoyos and Ben handed him a few yoyos to take up on stage for his freestyle; I doubt he would even look into the gap to see what color response was in the yoyos.


I am still pretty new to this but really enjoy flowable silicone with certain yoyos and others pads work just fine. Monkey Snot by MFD has a lot of colors and works well, plus they sell it on here.

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You are probably completely right about that. Hope your doing well YoYoDoc. definitely hope to see you soon at a contest. Maybe B.A.C?