What 5 yoyos do you want right now

OG Project
Sovereign(Yeah right)
Another Code 1

  1. Ilyy 2wei (pearl)
  2. Ilyy Noctu
  3. Clyw Peak
  4. Ilyy Lynx
  5. Yoyoskeel Solid

I am curious why there is no one willing to try the champion yoyo of Marcus koh .

For me tp positron , clyw avalanche , clyw gnarwhal ,ilyy lynx
Yyj destiny

With my limited knowledge:

OD Code 1
OD Deitz
OD 54
Torrent 2
YYJ Equinox

I just did a lot of purchasing, so I’m pretty good right now. If I see something, I buy it. I do some BST shopping as well. Despite having some high-end stuff, I got some “low end stuff” in the sights right now, mostly to have stuff most folks have so I can relate better and speak more intelligently from a perspective of “standards”. Again, stuff a lot of us have, therefore it can sort of be considered standard. Had plenty of spare cash recently, so been doing some spending after taking care of many many late bills.

I also have a list of stuff I’m hoping to get, which will be slowly taken care of.

In no particular order:
1: YYF dv888
2: YYF Northstar
3: I really can’t wait for the Duncan LED FHZ, despite the fact I’m going to have to send it to a modder for some work immediately.
4: The Timcore Starfire caught my eye, but I’m not sure if I like the price tag right now.
5: Can’t really nail it down, so I’ll just say a CLYW Wooly Marmot.

I guess what I need to know Studio is this…how do you get your wife to let you do this??? The gauntlet was just dropped on me and was told if I buy another yoyo she is going to take what I have and throw them in the pool! lol Well she has been saying the same thing about my lap top for years and it is still here but she is crazy enough to do it! And not sure how that would work with the ball bearings! haha.

I can’t complain I have a descent small collection. I have a hub Genisis, and 888x, DM2, Protostar, 2 Shaqler loop 900’s and I believe my Destiny is coming in the mail today. (I also have a couple of goofy stuff like the YYF JK, 2010 Popstar World’s, Replay with Jensen, Ando, Boulay, Han, autograph, and duncan imperial with Takeshi auto. But I don’t play with those.)

I have the money to buy all 5 on my wish list but I would be sleeping in the front yard…if I’m lucky she wouldn’t call the cops on me haha! So tell me your secret so that I can buy my Top 5 YoYo’s (had to tie it back into the topic some how) :wink:

Northstar (For a carry around)
Wolf Lake Peak
Sasquatch (Smokey Lake, Abominable, John Bot)
Another 09’ Severe
Another Avalanche

My secret? It’s a LONG story, but to cut it short:

After my father died, I took over the family business(data communication, LAN/WAN/dial-switched stuff), which was fine, as I was already working in it. Had to transition from a support/tech only type function to adding sales. Loaned my in-laws some money, and had a deal lined up, and well, I needed that money back, and I begged, pleaded and SCREAMED for my money back, and they refused. That set off a chain of events that screwed me majorly. One sale generated the funds to do the BUY for the next sale, for 5 sales out, when at that point there would be typical capital to have had a safety net unless it was a massive purchase from a client. Anyhow, sales tanked as a result. We’re not talking a few hundred dollars, but anywhere from $3-15 million in sales potential a year(gross, not net profit). Now, my wife is pushing money into her family’s sinking business, and they’ve asked me for MORE money(which is useless, it’s never going to get paid back) and in return, I’m able to have certain “freedoms”, which is restricted to me being able to buy gear and spend money on the kids, which is fine.

But I also don’t spend more than I can afford either. And seeing as how I’m funding the family trip to Disneyland in November… As long as that trip becomes reality, it’s all good in the hood!

My wife was complaining about the pair of shows I have this weekend. And then the 4-day horror film fest(same group of people for both sets of events). Well, turns out, there’s the vacation fund right there! Odd how complaints about my preferred line of work suddenly vanished! Hotel, food, gas(we drive) and 4 annual passes(the smallest 2 are too young to need the passes yet) and plenty left over.

It should be what 1,000,000 yoyo’s do you want.

  1. YYJ Trinity
  2. XÂł Steamroller
  3. YYF Eight8Eight
  4. One Drop Project
  5. Duncan Echo

Woah!! shortest post ever!!

  1. Canvas
  2. Phenom
  3. Avalanche
  4. Go Big
  5. SPYY MK11

Are you hinting at something?

I remember that day, or rather marathon. It was a 72-hour endurance marathon of stuff to do for prep for my events this weekend. I’m pretty much done now, so now I can de-stress and throw some yo for a while.

Just got a Speeder 2. Amazing.

Same here, long day and just got my YYJ Destiny in the mail. Been throwing it for 2 hours and hitting several things in the living room with it haha. First time trying 5a. I can now mark this one off my top 5 wants :slight_smile:


raptor echo popstar freehand mg ;D and an addiction

Same fo meh

1 Like

exit 8

Mine are ones that may actually happen eventually.
Wooly Markmont
Galactic Goose
A yoyo I make myself (if I ever get access to a lathe)

  1. No jive 3 in 1
  2. No jive 3 in 1
  3. Popstar
  4. Rera
  5. OD Dang

1: Sleipner
2: Code 2
3: Canvas
4: Trident
5: Master Galaxy

  1. Blink
  2. Stardust 2
  5. 6

I’m willing to pay good money for all of the above, especially 3 and 4 :wink: