Looking for some New Yoyos

Ok. I am probably one of the biggest Yoyofactory Fan Boys that isn’t sponsored by Yoyofactory.
Every Yoyo that I own is Yoyofactory.
But, I decided that I want to try some new Yoyos by Different Companys.
Here is what Im looking for:

-Crucial Milk 2%
-Crucial Tres Leches (aka the Milk 3)
-CLYW Peak
-CLYW Gnarwhal
-CLYW Wooly Marmont
-CLYW Bassolope
-SPYY Punchline
-SPYY Addiction 2
-SPYY Pistolero 2
-General-Yo Hatrick
-General-Yo Ministar
-Yomerica Hand Candy
-Yomerica Planet 9
-YYJ Revolution
-YYJ Trinity
-YYJ Night Moves 5
-YYJ Phenom (I know it hasn’t released yet)
-Turning Point Leviathan II
-CLYW+SPYY Galactic Goose

That about Covers about all the Yoyos I want that are not YYF.
Please Reply to this Post or PM me if you have any of these yoyos, and want to Sell/Trade it.
I have a lot of stuff to Offer (I will only accept Yoyos that are Mint or Really Close to Mint).
Also, These are YYF Yoyos that I want (Just to add to the list):

-YYF 2010 Severe
-YYF Primo
-YYF Protege
-YYF Genesis
-YYF Yuuksta (I know it hasn’t Released yet)
-YYF Superstar
-YYF 2010 G5

Again, Please Reply to this Post or PM me if you have any of these yoyos, and want to Sell/Trade it.
I have a lot of stuff to Offer (I will only accept Yoyos that are Mint or Really Close to Mint).

Wrong Section…

here check out my wooly marmot http://yoyoexpert.com/forums/index.php/topic,18695.0.html