Weird Playmaxx Collectible

Going thru stuff. I found these. Anyone know what they are ?

Besides proof that I was too obsessed with yo-yo collectibles. Not one of a kind, but several of a kind. Real Oddities from Playmaxx … I will check the board later to see if anyone guesses.

Oddity #1

Oddity #2

David Hall


Are they Yoyo display stands?

First thing that came to mind was injection mold equipment. Not sure though


Yeah, they do look like injection mold channels that you snip off.


Yeah, they look like the “trees” that remain after you break off the parts you want.
(Or is that obvious, and the question is what they were attached too?)

Okay, yes. You got half of it. Playmaxx used simple molds for test runs and development. Then made the production … super high quality molds. These are the left over tabs or trees from test runs of several significant models … That’s why I grabbed them.

The three little tabs sticking up used to have yo-yo halves attached. The halves were removed and assembled.

The white tabs are white proyonium … Albino Bee halves were molded from that tab.

The black is actually not stiff, but rubberized and flexible. The test run for the first String Pilot halves that were being made for the Mongoose Hubs … but never released. I have a few of the black halves too, on a Mongoose. See picture below with purple rims on a mongoose. Next to it are Rubberized blue rims made for Ace, also never released.

David Hall


Shoot … I actually have one of the black trees with the black String Pilot halves STILL ATTACHED. Saw it last night going thru boxes … should have taken a picture !!!


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When we open board games I tell my seven-year-old she has to decide whether or not she’s going to be the crazy person who saves the cardboard sheets the pieces pop out of.