Water Cleaning Beaings

What kind bearings are stainless steel?

Here are a list of the bearings: just reply yes or no to each one

One drop 10 ball
Center trac
Konkave (Not ceramic)
Crucial grooved

Quite a few of them are. Doesn’t matter though because SS will rust too, just not as fast as plain carbon steel.

True. All steel.

Ideally, don’t clean it with water. I know some people use hot water and Dawn to clean bearings. I just don’t recommend it.

It works if you force the water to evaporate faster than it does normaly and make sure you play it for about 30 min afterwords…

All of those should be stainless steel. But we would not recommend cleaning them with water. Water does not actually ‘clean’ a bearing very well…

Many bearings come with oil already applied. Oil and water don’t mix well at all. Even if you discount the rust issue there are better options for cleaning a bearing. You want to use something that can easily remove old oil residue as well as the contaminants in it. This will more effectively clean the bearing with the added benefit of reducing the chance of rust.

I would highly discourage the use of water to clean a bearing.

When doing a bunch of chrome steel bearings I wash them first with dish soap and water
It gets most of the oil off without polluting the other solvents

Never wash a bearing with soap and water. I don’t know what kind of treatment fjh123 gives his bearings after but never attempt to use soap and water on stainless steel or regular chrome steel. This is coming from experience, I’ve broke around 3 bearings using soap and water, 2 were stainless steel.

I would use lighter fluid; it works great for me! ;D

if you want to use a chemical thats not as dangerous as mineral sprits
try using a nail polish
if you go to walmart or any other places they have those ones that have tiny
amounts of water and lots of alcohol
use it as you would use mineral sprits but some kind of lube is a must
and play with it for a little while

It is just the first step.
I have done thousands of bearings…

The closest thing to water, that even just has a very very tiny bit in it, would be Isopropyl (rubbing alcohol) and you can clean your bearings with it, but get the 93% or 99% (99% obviously having the least amount of water in it) and I would use a very small drop of thin lube, just because it’s not mineral spirits. It still does the job in cleaning a bearing. Also, some people swear by Electrical Contact Cleaner, there is a whole thread on it somewhere on here.

OK, then enlighten us. You’ve been preaching this all over, now give us the details so we can quit asking this silly question over and over, and save you from posting that you do it all the time.

Cleaning a bearing with water is an utter mistake. I remember I had a Markmont Project beater and I traded it for a mint Torrent II (great deal isn’t it?) at a yoyo meet in Santana Row. At the place we were throwing at, we had a fountain nearby. I got the idea of walking the dog over water because of a yoyoing picture I saw a while ago. When we walked it over water, it lost a lot of spin time. The person I traded with ended up changing the bearing.