"Waiting for..." Videos made while you wait!

Waiting outside Target for the worse while the babies slept in the van. Its like 30° out but didactic that’s stop me?


I am getting more adventurous I think? Slowly, anyway.

Hey Connor, Ive been re-watching all of these vids a lot, and feel I must comment on how insanely smooth your style is. Watching you throw is like watching… Something really…smooth… :-\

All failure to think of a comparison aside, you are insanely smooth and flowing. You remind me of Jensen a little bit.

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Hey man, I really appreciate it. When I was first starting out people always told me I was pretty smooth but I haven’t heard it in awhile. Its good (great actually) to know I still have that part of my style going for me. Means a lot. :slight_smile:

No problem, man. Your vids here are actually giving me a lot of inspiration for making tricks. Something about your style is just so effortless, it makes difficult tricks look simple.
Ever think about making tutorials?

I have thought of tutorials, though never really figured out a good way to show them. Perhaps I’ll try to make one tonight of this tower trick that a lot of people requested sometime last year. :slight_smile:

On break at my awesome job.

just fooling around with the M1 i just got in a trade.

I can’t wait to learn it! :wink:

An interesting angle… I put it on the ground. A very cold day but I wasn’t go an be put off by that!

Quick vid waiting for my boys bus to come.

Not waiting for anything just yoyoing while hanging out with Andrew Robinson and Kris Linton.

One, very long, word.
Sick, Dude!

That slack is insane!!

Waiting for my cocoa to finish.


There’s those insane wrist whips again, Kris-L!

Thanks a lot, man! Really glad you enjoyed it!

Time to breathe some life back into this thread again!! Haha!


Waiting to go to a Concert!!
My one minute combo i’ve been working on. Pretty proud of this one!

Waiting for school to start.


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Let’s get this rolling again.

More like lets get this spinning again.

greatest thread ever