"Waiting for..." Videos made while you wait!

Made a video for the end of the year, as everyone else seems to be doing lately. Theres editing and stuff, just thought I’d share it here too.

good job on all the videos

Waiting for my Boston to show up for my first day of a new job. Working for Boing JP toys in Jamaica Plains (south Boston) MA. Job rocks, awesome boss, too. It was very cold and rainy and my nerves were getting to me a bit but its not too bad, eh?

Awesome shop, come by and see me!

The baby girl has bronchitis and was getting her first nebulizer treatment in the Dr. office. Eli couldn’t handle the noise so we went out in the car. He passed out as soon as his bum hit the car seat. So, of course, I went out and yo-yo’ed in twenty degree weather. The throwing isn’t bad but I have got to stop hanging my mouth open when I throw. Drooling on your string isn’t cool.


waiting for my girl friend xD


Here’s that video he was talking about. That way no one has to leave the warm comfy thread!

thanks wrong link

Really? Still a good video!

Herp derp. Matadoooooor. I’m so proud of my wee-little self for learning this faster than it took my pizza to get to my house. Go me. :smiley:

Sweet. I can’t do matador for the life of me. I can do it on my Wooly Markmont just fine, but give me actual spikes and theres no way.

Shaaaanks. :wink:

Yeah…the first thing I tried to do with my 54 when I got it for christmas was matador tricks. I tried for about 2 seconds and was like, “GAH?! WUT?!” and gave up. I was trying it out today, and I just got it for some reason. I feel like I have so much swag right now. Definitely one of those, “Omg! I finally landed it!!” type of tricks.

Oh my goodness what a day.

This was recorded this morning. Car broke down on the way to work and had some time to kill. The full name of this video is “Waiting for My Ride to Come and Pick Me Up from a State Away Because My Car Died on the Side of the Highway on My Way to Work” but that was too long to put on the YouTube title.

I have not been throwing very long, so i am not as good as the rest of you, but i wanted to contribute.

Nah man, your doing good. We’re all friendly here. You’ll be where we are in no time!

I’ve been doing 1A for years now, but I honestly and truly JUST picked up 5A today. Might have to make a video. :wink:

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Dude, that rocked! Keep throwing and keep showing!

Thanks, I appreciate it.

What happened? Thread kinda died out. I did edit this, and put in music. However I was waiting for the mail to come. So I decided to throw a bit in my yard haha.


I finally had the chance to shoot something! At the hospital, my wife is pregnant and was having some tests run. That’s my baby girl FJ on my back! Real men wear their kids and yo-yo!

It ain’t pretty cause it was late and I had a baby on me, but here it is! Lets breathe some life back into this thread!

I laughed so hard at, “Real men wear their kids and yoyo!”

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More from me!


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