Vs forum game

coke strait up, pepsi is just sweet liquid, there’s no taste but sugar

Mario vs. Luigui

I agree with you 100% on the Coke and Pepsi thing.
I prefer Luigi.

Red or Blue? (lol I couldnt think of any good questions).

Purple! (A combination on both!)



Angels vs. Yankees (Game just finished)

that is so weird… cause to me Coke tastes like pure syrup, no carbonation whatsoever. Pepsi actually bites when you drink it and has less sugar in it.

Yankees… i guess… i dont watch baseball (canadian… haha)

Roughriders vs Bluebombers (oooooo… let’s see if anyone gets this one ;))

I’m not getting it, that’s for sure.
the Roughbombers.

Oxygene Ti vs Catch 22 vs Ti Walker

Ti Walker.

Dice CW or Bouncy Ball CW?

Dice Counter Weights for sure!

Roller Skates or Ice Skates?

I’m Canadian so… the only skates are Ice Skates.

Family Guy vs American Dad

family guy

paramore vs. metric (they’re both bands)

I’ll take the vs in between those two “bands”

Simpsons vs Futurama

Futurama. I like the old ones best. C=

X-Box or Playstation?


Swimming or Hiking?

Hiking to a secluded lake and then swimming in it ;D

Billiards or air hockey?


mint chip ice cream vs cookies and cream ice cream


carrots vs. potatoes :stuck_out_tongue:

Why must I choose I love flipping both…

I will go with Carrots though no wait there’s so many things to make with Potato… I’ll go with them.

Odd or Even?


duncan butterfly vs. duncan imperial


youtube vs vimeo


Lucky Charms vs. Frosted mini Wheats