Visited YYE simply awesome

About two hours west of Boston.

Hey look, I found it.

sorry YYE, I didnā€™t mean to advertise a brick & mortar competitor. sorry

Been there done that. LOL last year we went their. Itā€™s awesome there.

Canā€™t stand MLP

Good for you ;D

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Correctomundo - removed.
The offender will be properly admonished.

Oh snap! :o

YAY! revenge on the MLP people!!!

So has anyone else found a retail outlet around America where you can walk in and find higher end throws in their cases. In my neck of the woods a Yomega Dash is about the best to be found. There was a store I knew of that sold some Duncan metals, but alas, he went out of business. :cry:

You should win an award! That was beautiful.

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Bird in hand in chico.

Air Traffic in Mpls stocks some good stuff. The Roseville and MOA stores do. Have never been to the other locations.

Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve been, but Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s still the case that the Cleveland yoyo club keeps a stock of yoyos. Though I donā€™t think anybody the boutique manufacturers have anything there. Just mostly yyf and Duncan.

I think Iā€™m quitting MLP.

Why did I ever start?

Shoot, Iā€™ve been to Mall of America a few times and apparently walked right by. I was always getting tugged along so I could hurry up and sit in a chair while someone else tried on clothes and stuff.

air traffic MN Iā€™m lucky I have a store in my state.:slight_smile:

Burnsville is really good to

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Yes that store is awesome super nice staff and every thing, only problem is state tax.

Infinite illusions was all right but they had less and wouldnā€™t let me try them.

Okay I get that Josh posted out of line but the way you went about fixing it not only derailed the thread but was fairly rude. In the future report the post [Works wonders] and leave it at that, thereā€™s no need for this silliness.

And bronies donā€™t fuel the fire if you have nothing to add to the main topic youā€™re just derailing.

Thereā€™s a pretty decent Duncan-selling place in the KC area called Moon Marble. Onsight glass blowing and yoyos? Yus. Also, there may be a new shop opening soon. Iā€™ll post again when I find out more information.